沫之棉 Computer English 13
Just for Fun
1. API: Application Programming Interfaces,应用程序接口 2. ASCII: ......
沫之棉 Computer English 12
1.C2C: card-to-card interleaving,卡到卡交错存取 2.CC-NUMA: cache-co......
沫之棉 Computer English 11(5)
1.RADSL: rate adaptive DSL,速率自适应数字订阅线路 2.RARP: reverse addre......
沫之棉 Computer English 11(4)
1.LMDS: local multipoint distributed system,局域多点分布式系统 2.MIME......
沫之棉 Computer English 11(3)
1. HDSL: high bit rate dsl,高比特率数字订阅线路 2. http: hypertext tra......
沫之棉 Computer English 11(2)
1. DBS-pc: direct broadcast satellite pc, 人造卫星直接广播式pc 2. DCE......
沫之棉 Computer English 11(1)
1.ADSL: asymmetric digital subscriber line,不对称数字订阅线路 2.AH: a......
沫之棉 Computer English 10(3)
1. SACD(Super Audio CD,超级音乐CD) 2. SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio,......
沫之棉 Computer English 10(2)
1. IID(Interaural Intensity Difference,两侧声音强度差别) 2. IIR(infi......
沫之棉 Computer English 10(1)
1. 3DPA(3D Positional Audio,3D定位音频) 2. AC(Audio Codec,音频多媒体数......
沫之棉 Computer English 9
打印机 1.dpi(dot per inch,每英寸的打印像素) 2.ECP(Extended Capabilities......
沫之棉 Computer English 8
1.ATAPI(AT Attachment Packet Interface) ATAPI接口是SCSI和IDE总线的结......
沫之棉 Computer English 7(3)
1. RPM(Rotation Per Minute,转/分) 2. RSD:(Removable Storage De......
沫之棉 Computer English 7(2)
1. FAT(File Allocation Tables,文件分配表) 2. FDBM(Fluid dynamic b......
沫之棉 Computer English 7(1)
1. AAT(Average access time,平均存取时间) 2. ABS(Auto Balance Syste......
沫之棉 Computer English 6(2)
词汇篇——RAM & ROM
1. PIROM:(Processor Information ROM,处理器信息ROM) 2. PLEDM: Phas......
沫之棉 Computer English 6(1)
1. ABP (Address Bit Permuting,地址位序列改变) 2. ATC(Access Time fr......
沫之棉 Computer English 5(3)
1. Porous Tungsten(活性钨) 2. RSDS(Reduced Swing Differential S......
沫之棉 Computer English 5(2)
1. DOSD(Digital On Screen Display同屏数字化显示) 2. DPMS(Display Po......
沫之棉 Computer English 5(1)
1. ASIC: (Application Specific Integrated Circuit特殊应用积体电路) 2......
电影独白--女声版③ 说一声欢迎
威廉王子和凯特王妃采访 戴安娜王妃的戒指
电影独白--男声版② 图灵的独白
粉红猪小妹 E1 粉红猪小妹的一家人
Be A Girl Section A
Happy new year Section 4
抽取你的爱情箴言 箴言 4
电影独白--女声版② 爱的物理定律
死了都要爱 英文版♬ love and death 上♬
生活场景--道歉篇 魔发奇缘-公主卖萌道歉
歌神长发公主♬ 一切因你而不同