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    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《本杰明·巴顿奇事》


    It is past the middle of summer, and it has been HOT. I step outside and after walking outside for a minute and I break into a sweat. If I am outside for five minutes, my shirt turns into a towel, soaking up all my sweat. It feels like I'm melting. 34ºC outside. I am used to sitting inside and turning on the A/C to 18ºC. But when I'm outside, I need to do something to feel cool? What should I do? Well, I need to learn from the people around me.

    I've been told some drinks can help keep you cool. I am used to drinking cold drinks to help out, but I have also been told that some ginseng drink helps out as well. So, on a hot day when it was 40ºC I tried it. It didn't work, so I had to find some other way.

    The best thing I have bought in China is a fan. I take it everywhere with me. Whenever I am standing in the subway, I pull it out and wave it. It is really convenient. But on a hot day when it is 40ºC, no matter how hard you wave the fan, it doesn't help. So you need to try something else.

    The Shirt Roll:
    Some people in China seem to walk around with their shirt half-rolled up. Enough to expose their belly, but not enough to show their chest. Most people who do it don't seem to be in shape, but because I'm obviously in shape I can do it. It is enough to collect some of the air when it blows. However, when it is 40ºC, this just helps you burn your skin or get an uneven tan, so you gotta do something else.

    Some days it is way too hot, so you just have to take it off. People in the US as well as China do this. When it is 40ºC, any clothing is gonna be too hot. So, it is just a good idea to take your shirt off (and if you wanna go to prison, take your pants off too!) I usually do this as you can see from this completely unedited photo of me.

    These are some ways that I have seen people keep cool, that I've tried. Probably the best way to keep cool is to hide inside with the A/C blowing straight at me, but then where is the fun in that? How do you beat the heat?

    1970-01-01   65赞       4踩       4038浏览 评论(55)
男 中级配角lv28


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