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  • 乐活_43     To start all over again.

    • 愿你活出想要的人生

    • from:《本杰明·巴顿奇事》

    2021-09-26   1赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     Sing for hours just looking for the world.

    • 不断理解

    • from:《怦然心动》

    2021-09-24   5赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     The world is a fun place worth waiting for it.

    • 奋斗

    • from:《七宗罪》

    2021-09-24   6赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(1)
  • 乐活_43     Things will turn out in the end.

    • 愤怒时都是气话

    • from:《美女与野兽 2017》

    2021-09-24   2赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     Color can tell you a story.

    • Color Grading 颜色即故事

    2021-09-24   4赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     Working in the kitchen is the most Interesting.

    • 我的栖息之所

    2021-09-24   6赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     Don't sit down for a long time.

    • 久坐对大脑的影响

    2021-09-24   8赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     好长的一段,终于读完了!

    • 【读白】停止追求完美

    2021-09-23   6赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     I'm already visit grandma. com.

    • What are you writing today

    2021-09-22   3赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     Don't think my talent was useless.

    • 这就是我

    2021-09-22   8赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     I'm in charge of every single day of my child.

    • 公主的自白

    2021-09-22   5赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     My memory library

    • My memory library

    2021-09-22   4赞       0踩       8浏览 评论(1)
  • 乐活_43     There are arrows more dangerous than that one?

    • 「剧集预告」鹰眼

    2021-09-22   8赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     My phone is so old and messed up.

    • 为啥不买个新的

    2021-09-22   4赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     Story of my father.

    • 父亲的故事

    • from:《大鱼 重复添加》

    2021-09-22   7赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     I'm always by your side.

    • 友谊 Friendship

    2021-09-22   11赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     香港!中秋快乐!

    • 香港国际机场宣传片(上)

    2021-09-21   1赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     I have a copy book of my own as well.

    • 送一本好书

    • from:《布达佩斯大饭店》

    2021-09-21   4赞       0踩       0浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     这篇文章看到的时机刚好,对工作保持好玩与好奇的感觉。

    • 为何冥想就如骑单车

    2021-09-18   2赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)
  • 乐活_43     Wish choose SECCO will made the difference life.

    • 【读诗】未选择的路

    2021-09-17   3赞       0踩       1浏览 评论(0)


粉丝 9关注 16


