• BettyDalinzi     Betty寒假小作文1

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Currently, more and more sophisticated film animations and special effects gradually gain increasing popularity, which is appealing to most of people. However, the traditional culture still has a special place at present and in yeas to come. Take the shadow puppet for instance.
    When it comes to the origin, it's a worthwhile story to tell. It is the Han dynasty that the shadow puppet originated in. The emperor buried himself into misery due to the death of his wife. Then, one of his ministers came to his aid, and made a shadow puppet which was in the shape of his wife. The two-dimensional leather puppet was operated from below by sticks, moving around with some amusing actions behind the illuminated cotton screen. After that, the shadow puppet came into fashion.In addition, the shadow puppet started to become popular in Shanxi Province
    Here come some basic features. First of all, as the shadow puppets are popular in different areas, the different categories of leather are used in terms of the regionally characteristic. Nevertheless, the cow's fur is most widely applied to manufacture. Second, a broad mixture of presentations used to be historical and religious, telling some educational stories to people, particularly children. There is no denying that the shadow puppet is not only regarded as people's entertainment, but also an attractive way for children to learn.
    Meanwhile, influenced by modern entertainment, for instance, the television, the three dimensional films, shadow puppets are faced with a grim challenge. Costing much time to create, the exquisite handcraft can't adapt to the fast-paced life, resulting in its hard handing down. More than that, the protection of the shadow puppet add to its serious situation. The temperature is changeable, which has a bad impact on the shape of the puppet. But don't be pessimistic, our unique shadow puppet became one of the intangible cultural heritages in 2006. No doubt that the shadow puppet is expanding throughout the world, and the public are developing awareness of its protection.
    It is expected that the shadow puppet will have a better future.
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    1970-01-01   23赞       0踩       909浏览 评论(19)
女 中级配角lv29


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