• EE英语课堂     青少版新概念1A unit15

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    1 bring 双宾语动词. 短语bring sth. to sb. = bring sb. sth.


    例:Bring him the socks. = Bring the socks to him.

    2 can 情态动词,后面加动词原型。

    3 fair adj. 反义词unfair


    复习否定前缀un-;例:usual – unusual; happy – unhappy; lucky- unlucky
    同类词fairy仙女;fairy tale童话故事.

    4 field 场地,战场,田地


    短语:on the field / in the field没有区别

    5 play 用法:
    play加球类或棋类中间无冠词; play加琴类中间要加定冠词the
    例:play football/ play ping-pong/ play tennis;
    play the piano/ play the guitar

    6 captain: 队长、 船长


    7 other短语the other两者中的另一个


    another 多者中的另一个
    例 I don’t like this dress, can you show me another one?
    Look at the two mobiles. Do you like this one or the other one?

    8 how many“多少”用来提问可数名词的数量,后面加可数名词复数;
    how much (1)“多少”用来提问不可数名词的数量,后面加不可数名词。
    (2) “多少钱”用来询问商品的价格,后面即可以加可数名词也可以加不可数名词。[简单了解,不做本单元重点]
    例:1How many apples are there in the picture?
    2 How much water is there in the bottle?
    3 Your hat is nice. I like it. How much is it?

    9 player n. – 动词play


    10 well 副词-good 形容词
    例:He can dance well. He is a good student.

    11 beside 在旁边;同义短语next to


    12 window 短语in the window在橱窗里



    1 We can play football with them.
    短语:play football踢足球
    2 That’s not fair! = That’s unfair!
    3 They’re over there on the football field.
    短语:over there在那边
    4 That’s a good idea. 用于同意别人的建议。还可以说That sounds good.
    如果不同意或不能接受别人的建议,可以说I’m sorry. I can’t.
    5 You’re the captain of one side. You’re the captain of the other side.
    (1) one… the other…一个…另一个
    (2) of “的”,表所有。例:the chairs of the classroom; the window of the room; a map of China.
    6 How many players are there?
    how many多少
    7 So there are seven on my side, and six on Sam’s side.
    短语:on one’s side在…一方
    8 He can play very well.
    well修饰play做状语。短语play well打得好
    9 He’s like two players.
    like 介词,“像”

    1 情态动词can的用法:
    例:肯定句Karen can catch the jar.
    否定句Karen can’t catch the jar.
    一般疑问句Can Karen catch the jar?
    肯定回答: Yes, she can. 否定回答:No, she can’t.
    划线部分提问:What can Karen catch?
    2 方位介词的复习与扩展:
    beside / next to在…旁边;behind 在…后面;in front of 在…前面(外部)
    in the front of 在…前面(内部); near在…附近;on; in; under.

    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       355浏览 评论(0)
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