• EE英语课堂     青少版新概念1A unit 13

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》



    1 early – (反义词)late


    early 副词(放大动词或句子后做状语)或形容词(放在be动词后做表语或放在名词前做定语)
     eg. 1 I get up early. (副词)
    2 It’s an early computer. (形容词)
    3 They both come home late. (副词)  
    4 He is late. (形容词)

    2 in a hurry
    hurry: 名词n. 急忙,匆忙;动词v.
    例:Hurry up!


    3 kid 同义词child
    复数:kids – children

    4 call v. 叫,称为; v. / n. 打电话
     eg. 1 Call him Xiao Shenyang.
    2 He calls the woman. = He gives the woman a call.

    5 gate 特指“大门” – door 门
    短语:at the gate


    6 shut adj. 关着的 – 同义词closed


    shut v. 动词“关,关闭” – 同义词close
    反义词open 动词v. “打开”/ 形容词adj. “开着的”
    eg. 1 The gate is shut. = The gate is closed.
    2 Shut the gate. = Close the gate.
    3 The gate is open. 4 Open the gate, please.

    7 let’s 放在句首引导祈使句,后面加动词原型。
    eg. 1 Let’s play. 2 Let’s eat. 3 Let’s drive.


    1 What time is it?
    可以询问时间的句子还有:What’s the time? / May I see your watch?
    回答:It’s ……
    整点的表达方法:例It’s eight o’clock. (注:o’clock可以不说)
    2 We are both late for school.
    短语:be late for … …迟到
    例:He is late for school.
    3 - Thanks! – You are welcome.
    常用来回答Thank you.的句子:
    (1)You are welcome! (2) No harm done! (3) That’s all right! (4) Not at all!
    4 Call me Daisy, please.
    eg. Sit down, please.
    5 What a speed! What a car! 感叹句(的省略句)句子结构What a/ an+名词!
    eg. What a rush! 跑的太快了!
    What a mess! 太乱了!
    What a surprise! 太惊喜了!
    What a pity! 太遗憾了!

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