• 酷乐英语     酷乐口语3⃣️1⃣️《延禧攻略》魏姐10大霸气台词

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》




    🍃1. 拿起你的武器去面对你的敌人。

    🌵Pick up your weapon and face your enemies bravely.

    🍃2. 消灭流言最好的办法就是把事情闹大,让众人知道真相。

    🌵The best way to extinguish a rumor is to escalate it, and then the truth will surface.

    *extinguish:vt. 消灭
    *escalate:vt. 使…升级/恶化
    *surface:vi. 浮出水面

    🍃3. 所有的危机只要把握得好,就可以变身进身之阶。

    🌵Any crisis, if properly handled, can be a stepping stone to your progress.

    *a stepping stone:垫脚石

    🍃4. 跟不会讲人话的东西,有什么道理可讲。

    🌵It is useless treating an unreasonable person in a reasonable way.

    🍃5. 打蛇得打七寸,想要报复一个人,最好的办法,就是夺走她最想要的东西。

    🌵You have to hit a snake’s weakest point to kill it. Likewise, if you want to revenge on somebody, take away what she treasures the most.

    *revenge on:报复(某人)
    *treasure:vt. 珍视

    🍃6. 恶人都是欺软怕硬,你越是畏惧,他们就越是欺凌。

    🌵Evil people bully the weak and fear the strong. The weaker you appear, the more they bully you.

    *bully:vt. 欺负

    🍃7. 两条蛇都是冷血动物,怎么能够互相取暖?

    🌵Since both of the two snakes are cold-blooded, how could they warm each other?

    🍃8. 依附于强者,不如自己变成强者。

    🌵It is better to rely on yourself than on the strong.

    🍃9. 为人处世无非就是兵来将挡,水来土掩,若是处处担忧心怀恐惧,那还活个什么劲啊。

    🌵Life is all about facing problems and handling them. If you are fearful every time a problem emerges, you simply miss the point of living.

    *emerge:vi. 出现

    🍃10. 您一往情深,可为什么要告诉他呢?先说出口的人就已经输了。

    🌵You love him so much, but why did you tell him? You know what? Whoever says it first has already lost the game.


    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       548浏览 评论(0)
女 中级配角lv27


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