• Fancy呀     彩虹魔方秀^ ^?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    How time flies~
    在这一阶段的学习与复习中^ ^
    一篇篇魔方秀慢慢积累成一个小本本 🌈

    喜欢男女主角的对话片段 对话之间的逻辑非常有利于记忆💕 包括位置的改变与特定动作 使记忆串联更紧密 更美妙的是 每一次深入地琢磨一句台词 都会有新的发现 或为剧情发展做铺垫 或藏了一个小幽默… 耐人寻味 也对人物有了更细致的认识😉

    现在的学习方式是脱稿录音 面对较长句子的时候 可以盯着人物的嘴对口型😂 (当然有时为了句子完整性也会做让步)记忆自然也会事半功倍 当然那是比较短时的记忆 还需要后期默写巩固 ;-)

    更重要的是 充分了解一句台词后 语气会有很微妙的改变 并且可以感受到很多内心戏和潜台词 🌈

    有时候忍不住内心呐喊 怎么这么可爱 哇 太赞了 太有意思了 非常值得细品 让人拍案叫绝哈哈

    如同重新阅读一篇小说 每一次回顾都会有新的收获 在某一句话中想起某个镜头 当它们重合的时候



    Actions speak louder than words 😆


    一直很喜欢断句 让思路更加清晰~

    This is the other extreme,
    one of the lowest hottest places on earth.

    It’s over a hundred meters
    below the level of the sea.

    Pools of sulphuric acid are indications
    that deep underground
    there are titanic stirrings.

    But here a mountain is in gestation.

    This is the Danekil✨Depression in Ethiopia,
    lying within a colossal rent of the earth’s surface
    where giant land masses
    are pulling away from one another.

    The lava rises to the surface
    through this crack in the crush
    creating a chain of young volcanoes.

    This one ,Erta✨Ale,
    is today the longest continually
    erupting volcanoes on planet,
    a lake of lava that has been molten
    for over a hundred years.

    These same volcanic forces
    also created Ethiopia’s highlands.

    第二篇: 你是荒芜中最后的玫瑰🌹

    💎 White bee, you buzz in my soul,
    drunk with honey.
    And your flight, winds in small spirals of smoke.

    I am the one without hope ,
    the word without echoes.

    He who lost everything,
    and he who had everything.

    Last hawser, in you creaks my last longing.
    In my barren land ,you are the final rose.

    Ah, you who are silent !

    💎 Let your deep eyes close,
    there the night flutters.

    Ah, your body, a frightened statue , naked.

    You have deep eyes in which the night flails.

    Cool arms of flowers and a lap of rose.

    Your breasts seem like white snails.

    And a butterfly of shadow
    has came to sleep on your belly.

    Ah , you who are silent !

    💎Here is the solitude from which you are absent.

    It is raining. The sea wind is hunting stray gulls.

    And water walks barefoot in the streets.

    From that tree the leaves complain
    as though they were sick.

    White bee, even when you’re gone,
    you buzz in my soul.

    And you live again in time, slender and silent !

    Ah, you who are silent !


    第三篇:达西求婚被拒绝 (Elizabeth台词) ;-)

    🔥I don’t understand.

    Sir l ... l appreciate the struggle
    you have been through
    and l’m very sorry to have caused you pain, believe me , it was unconsciously done.

    Yes, sir. No.

    And l’m sure that the feelings which
    as you’ve told me have hindered your regard
    will help you in overcoming it.

    And l might as well inquire why
    with so evident
    a design of insulting me
    you chose to tell me that you love me
    against your better judgement .

    If l am uncivil, then that is some excuse.
    But l have other reasons, you know l have.

    Do you think anything might tempt me
    to accept a man who has ruined
    perhaps the forever happiness
    of a most beloved sister.

    🔥Do you deny it, Mr.Darcy ?

    That you separated a young couple
    who loved each other,
    exposing your friend
    to the center of the world for caprice
    and my sister,
    to its derision for disappointed hopes.

    And involving them
    both in mystery of the acutest kind !

    How could you do it ?

    Indifferent ? That’s because she’s shy !

    Because you suggested it.

    My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me.

    🔥l suppose you suspect his fortune
    has some bearing with the matter.

    What was?

    Did my sister give you that impression?

    Our want of connection,Mr.Bingly🌱
    didn’t seem to vex himself about that. How sir ?

    🔥And about Mr.Wickham ? What is your excuse for your behavior towards him?

    He told me of his misfortunes.

    You ruined his chances
    and treated him with sarcasm.

    And these are the words of a gentleman?

    From the first moment l met you,
    your arrogance and conceit,
    your selfish distain for the feeling of others,
    made me realize
    that you are the last man in the world
    l could ever be prevailed upon to marry !




    💫And as l sat there
    brooding on this old, unknown world.

    I thought of Gatsby’s wonder
    when he first picked out the green light
    at the end of Daisy ‘s dork.

    He had came a long way to this blue lawn.

    And his dream must have seemed so close
    that he could hardly fail to grasp it.

    He did not know that it was already behind him.

    💫Somewhere back in this vast, obscurity
    beyond the city,
    where the dark night of the republic
    rolled on under the night.

    Gatsby believed in the green light,

    the orgastic future
    that year by year recedes before us.

    It eluded us then, but that’s no matter.

    💫Tomorrow we will run faster,
    stretch our arms farther.

    And one fine morning— so we beat on.

    Boats against the current ,
    borne back ceaselessly into the past.


    第五篇:BBC one-minute World News

    🚀Hello ~This is BBC World News. The headlines.

    🚀NASA has successfully launched
    a one-point-five billion dollar mission
    to send a satellite closer to the sun
    than ever before.

    🚀Expected to reach speeds of
    690 thousand kilometers per hour.

    🚀The Parker Solar Probe
    will become the fastest-ever man-made object.

    🚀People in Mali are voting in an presidential run-off, which is widely expected to be won by the current president Ibrahim Boubacar✨ Keita✨

    🚀It follows a first-round vote marred
    by security fears and allegations of fraud.

    🚀A deal to decide the oil and gas reserves
    under the Caspian Sea has been signed
    by Russia 🇷🇺 ,Iran 🇮🇷, Azerbaijan 🇦🇿, Turkmenistan 🇹🇲, and Kazakhstan 🇰🇿.

    🚀President Putin
    has hailed the agreement as a ‘milestone’.

    🚀And tributes have been paid
    following the death of the Nobel-Prize winning British author VS Naipaul at the age of 85.

    🚀Much of his work focused on the traumas of
    post-colonial change in Trinidad.

    (好耐看的一张图片 爱 真的存在)

    第六篇:享受每一天 (Titanic)Jack台词:-P

    🥂No caviar for me. Thanks.
    Never did like it much.

    🥂Well, right now, my address is the RMS Titanic. After that, l’m on God’s good humor.

    🥂I work my way from place to place, you know, tramp steamers and such.

    🥂But l won my ticket on titanic here at a lucky hand at poker, a very lucky hand.

    🥂Um~ Oh, yeah, ma’am, I do.

    🥂l mean, l’ve got everything l need
    right here with me.

    🥂l’ve got air in my lungs,
    and a few blank sheets of paper.

    🥂l mean, l love waking up in the morning ,
    not knowing what ‘s gonna happen,
    who l’m gonna meet , where l’m gonna wind up.

    🥂Just the other night, l was sleeping under the bridge and now, here l am, on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people.

    🥂l’ll take more of that.

    🥂l figure life is a gift
    and l don’t intend on wasting it.

    🥂You never know what hand
    you’re gonna get dealt next.

    🥂You learn to take life as it comes at you.
    Here you go, Cal.

    🥂To make each day count.


    What a wonderful day~↖(^ω^)↗



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