• 有助睡眠的MoFunShow     有助睡眠的歌单解说S01E05(1):《Black Mambo》

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    1. black mambo黑色曼波舞
    black mamba黑色曼巴(蛇)




    2. mister mole



    “It's easy to recognize a mole personality. They have pasty complexions and are usually seen in late night coffee shops, jazz bars or underground clubs. To avoid drawing attention to themselves, they favor dark clothing and sunglasses and are the first people to volunteer for the graveyard shift.”(animalinyou.com)

    3. Glass Animals Band
    “Glass Animals are an English indie rock band from Oxford”(Wikipedia)
    "Glass Animals create a formula that leaves you curled in a corner marvelling at their brilliance" -(Clash Music)


    4. {whisper sloth in curls of smoke}
    (1) sloth


    V.: e.g. curl one's hair
    curl one's tongue
    curl one's fingers
    N.: e.g. Her daughter has cute blonde curls.
    She likes wear her hair in curls.

    curls of smoke


    5. {take a back seat or play pharaoh}
    pharaoh: a ruler of ancient Egypt

    6. {snake eyed with a sly smile}
    sly: displaying cleverness; lack in straightforwardness and candor; lightly mischievous


    因为这首歌的歌词有很多有趣的部分,所以这首歌会做两期,下期依然是这一首歌^ ^ 下期见~

    1970-01-01   7赞       1踩       1375浏览 评论(3)


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