• 大光圈     must 和 have to 用法讲解 转自栗子老师

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    可是看到栗子老师的讲解,才觉得,哇 以前讲的都是狗屎~ 顺便鄙视一下所有自己就一知半解还在教书的有些同行们~≧∇≦

    The difference between "must" and "have to" is that "must" shows the speaker made the requirement, whereas "have to" shows the requirement was made by somebody else (i.e. it is a rule or law).

    Must vs. Have to

    I must be quiet during classes. (I normally have trouble being quiet during classes, so I have to remind myself to be quiet.)

    I have to be quiet during classes. (The school/teacher requires me to be quiet during classes.)

    She said she must exercise every day. (She wants to exercise every day.)

    She said she has to exercise every day. (Her doctor/coach requires her to exercise daily).

    (I didn't say "She must exercise every day", because that could be an observation by the speaker meaning "she looks healthy, so she probably exercises every day". And I didn't want to make it confusing.)

    You must come. (The speaker really wants the listener to go with her/him.)

    You have to come. (There is a rule that requires the listener to go.)

    !!!!!You must be careful when you say "You have to" to someone because if the requirement is just from you rather than a rule, it may sound offensive.

    Must not vs. Don't have to

    "Must not" means you're not allowed to do it.

    "Don't have to" means you're not required to do it.

    You must not drive. (You are not allowed to drive.)

    You don't have to drive. (You are not required to drive, but you can if you want to.)

    You must read this answer carefully for it to be helpful. :P



    栗子的微信公众号:E-Speller 或者 栗子英文 (只有精彩的原创)


    发布于 07:26


    1970-01-01   7赞       0踩       219浏览 评论(1)
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