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    今天是上篇文章的续文,海洋污染对我们的危害有什么呢 又是什么原因造成的海洋污染呢,一起来看看吧

    How To Improve The Health Of The Ocean

    Very middle of this century, the ocean could contain more plastic and fish by weight.Ground down into tiny pieces, it is eaten by fish and then by people, with uncertain effects on human health, appetite for fish grows neverthless, almost 90% of stocks are finished either at or beyond their sustainable limits, The ocean nurtures humanity.Humanity treats it with contempt.
    Ground down 碾碎
    tiny /ˈtaɪnɪ/ 极小的
    humanity /hjuːˈmænɪtɪ/ 人类
    nurture /ˈnɜːtʃə/ 养育
    contempt /kənˈtɛmpt/ 轻视

    Such self destructive behavior demands explanation. Three reasons for it stand out. One is geography , the bulk of the ocean is beyond the horizon and below the waterline.
    The damage being done to its health is visible is a few liminal place the Greet Barrier Reef, say, Or the oyster farms of Washington state.But for the most part ,the sea is out of sight and out of mind . it is telling that there is only a single fleeting reference to the ocean in the Paris agreement on climate change.
    destructive /dɪˈstrʌktɪv/ 毁坏性的
    the bulk of大多数
    horizon /həˈraɪzən/ 地平线
    liminal /ˈlɪmɪnəl/ 少数
    oyster /ˈɔɪstə/ 牡蛎



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