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    懒惰的我今天来更节目了😭,今天继续舒伯特的音乐之旅,coming 💪💪

    Decoding The Music Masterpieces Schubert's Winterreise

    The lyrics are poem by Wilhelm Muller and tell the story of a lonely traveller who ventures out into the snow on a journey to rid himself of his lost love.Along the way he experiences turmoil of different emotions ,mostly, ranging from despair to greater despair.
    lyric /ˈlɪrɪk/ 歌词
    venture /ˈvɛntʃə/ 风险,冒险
    Rid yourself of sb /sth 摆脱,从……中解脱?
    turmoil /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/ 动乱,骚乱,混乱
    Along the way 沿途上
    despair /dɪˈspɛə/ 绝望

    During his short life, Schubert wrote over 600 art songs ,20 sonatas for piano , six major works for violin and piano, nine symphonies for orchestra and an impressive amount of chamber music for other groups of instruments.
    sonata /səˈnɑːtə/ 奏鸣曲
    symphony /ˈsɪmfənɪ/ 交响乐
    orchestra /ˈɔːkɪstrə/ 管弦乐队
    Chamber music 室内乐队
    instrument /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ 器械

    The first song in Winterreise ,Gute Nacht (Good Night )begins enigmatically ,as our protagonist ventures out into the snow,accompanied by trudging and relentless short notes on the piano.He reflects on the woman who “spoke of love, the mother of marriage”,Whu is the traveller embarking on this journey?Surely this is a about unrequited love .He finishes by singing that he wrote “ good night” on the gate of his lover showing that despite the fact he is the one who is leaving ,His thoughts were still of her.
    venture /ˈvɛntʃə/ 冒险,风险
    trudge /trʌdʒ/跋涉,步履艰难
    relentless /rɪˈlɛntlɪs/ 不停的,持续的
    accompany /əˈkʌmpənɪ/伴随
    Embarking on 从事,着手
    On the grate of 在门口


    1970-01-01   9赞       0踩       229浏览 评论(2)
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