• 贝贝书屋     美式俚语你知多少?|小测试

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Do You Know Your American Slang?

    1. What is a bummer?
    A. a hobo or tramp
    B. a bad experience
    C. a chair
    D. the backside of pants or trousers

    2. What is a kegger?
    A. a beer party
    B. a barrel maker
    C. a log splitter
    D. a cheerleader

    3. What is a clunker?
    A. a bed
    B. a type of shoe
    C. a clumsy person
    D. an old large car

    4. What is a flick?
    A. an insect
    B. a movie
    C. a type of soda
    D. a ditzy woman

    5. What is a pad?
    A. a wad of money
    B. a type of cereal
    C. a drink coaster
    D. an apartment or place to live

    6. What does croak mean?
    A. to sing
    B. to die
    C. to be embarrassed
    D. to burp

    7. What does cheesy mean?
    A. cheap
    B. smelly
    C. yellow
    D. friendly

    8. What is a spud?
    A. a policeman
    B. a beer
    C. a noodle
    D. a potato

    9. What does scarf mean?
    A. to gag
    B. to run
    C. to eat quickly
    D. to vomit

    10. What is a junkie?
    A. a drug addict
    B. an overweight person
    C. a hoarder
    D. a type of bird




    首先来看吃吃喝喝类 Food and Drink

    形容“事物”的俚语单词有:grub and chow.
    “Let’s get some grub/chow” 咱去买点吃的。

    The word nosh means snack-type food, not a complete meal.
    nosh: 点心; <英,俚>食物; 一餐; <美>小吃;
    还可以做动词用。“She’s noshing on potato chips.”

    If you have the munchies (have light hunger, desire for snack food) you can nosh on cookies, nuts, etc.
    munchies: <口>饥饿感,吃点心欲; 快餐,小吃;

    The word brunch is a combination of breakfast + lunch: it is a mid-morning meal (eaten around 10:30) that takes the place of breakfast and lunch.
    brunch: 早午餐

    When you don’t eat all your food at a restaurant, and you want to take the leftovers home, you take them home in a doggy bag.
    doggy bag: 狗食袋(餐馆提供的食品袋,用于顾客带走未吃完的食物)

    You can put the leftovers in the refrigerator and then nuke them (heat them up in the microwave) when you want to eat them later.

    When we’re extremely hungry, we often exaggerate and say “I’m starving!”
    starving: 饿死了!
    When you’ve eaten too much, you can say “I’m stuffed!” The regular expression is “I’m full,” but “stuffed” means you’ve eaten too much and no more food will fit into your stomach.
    stuffed: 就是填满了!也就是吃饱了的意思。

    Someone who really likes sweet and sugary foods like candy, cookies, ice cream, etc. has a sweet tooth.
    have a sweet tooth:爱吃甜食的人

    Someone who has a more healthy diet will eat more veggies(short for “vegetables.”)

    A cup of coffee: cup o’joe (sometimes spelled cuppa joe). 咖啡
    “I can’t concentrate in the morning until I’ve had a nice, strong cuppa joe.”

    The word booze is slang for alcohol. On some party invitations, there’s the abbreviation BYOB, which means “bring your own booze”. 酒

    If you prefer to go out, you can bar hop – go from bar to bar, spending only a short time at each.

    Sometimes a popular local bar is called a watering hole, because it attracts people like a pool of water attracts thirsty animals.
    瞧,这就是watering hole的魅力!水坑; 卖酒处;

    If you are buzzed or have a buzz, it means you are only a little bit drunk. 微醺

    Describing someone as a lightweight means they get drunk easily; it only takes a little bit of alcohol to affect them.
    lightweight: 轻量级选手
    “She’s such a lightweight that she can’t have more than one glass of wine.”

    Someone who is completely drunk is hammered, sloshed, plastered, or wasted. 喝倒了!喝费了!

    One funny way to describe someone who is drunk is to say they are three sheets to the wind – this refers to a sailboat with nobody controlling its sails (“sheets”).
    “Ashley always makes hilarious comments when she’s three sheets to the wind.”

    One slang word for someone who is an alcoholic, or who drinks too much, is a lush.
    lush: 酒鬼
    “My ex-husband was such a lush that he’d even bring a water bottle full of vodka to work, so he could drink secretly during the day.”

    关于问题喝错误的一些俚语 Slang for Problems & Mistakes

    A few informal nouns for a mistake are a blooper, boo-boo, and blunder. (因无知、粗心等造成) 的错误; 大错,失策,疏忽;

    We also have hiccup, which means a minor problem/mistake that was corrected and didn’t affect the final result/outcome.
    hiccup: 嗝; 连续地打嗝; 暂时性的小问题; 短暂的停顿;

    For the act of making mistakes, we have phrasal verbs like slip up, screw up, and foul up, and funny-sounding verbs like flub and bungle.
    搞糟,完不成; 笨手笨脚地做,拙劣地工作

    When something fails, we can say it was a flop or a dud, or say that it bombed or it tanked. These expressions are usually used for sudden, obvious failures. 砸锅;无用的; 不完善的;

    When something progressively gets worse over time, it is going down the drain/tubes or going to the dogs/going to pot.

    You might make a last-ditch effort (a desperate, final effort) to fix the problem; your last option is called the last resort. But if it doesn’t work, then you’re really in a jam (in a difficult situation).
    last-ditch effort :最后的努力
    in a jam: 陷入困境
    in a pickle: 陷入困境

    You’ll have to tell your supervisors… trying to cover up the mistake is a sure-fire(definite) way to have bigger problems later on. If your boss finds out, you’ll be busted (caught doing/having done something wrong, and consequently in trouble).
    busted: 做的错事被发现了;被逮着了

    Hopefully when you tell your supervisors about the mistake, they will let it slide(not punish you for your mistake). 算了吧;放过他

    However, if they think you can’t hack it (can’t handle the responsibility effectively) or if your work is not up to par / not up to snuff (does not meet the minimum standards), then you might lose your job!
    not up to par/not up to snuff:不达标

    最后来说说成功吧!Let’s talk about success.

    If something works like magic / works like a charm, it works perfectly and effectively. 神效啊!

    “This new detergent works like magic for getting stains out of white clothing.”

    When you have a lot of successes in a row, or a lot of positive momentum in your action, you are on a roll. 连连获胜

    “I’ve gotten the highest grade in the class on the past three tests. I’m really on a roll this semester!”

    If you’re on a roll, just keep up the good work and you’ve got it made (success for you is certain).<口>有成功的把握; 高枕无忧

    “If you study an area like computer science, where there’s always a huge number of high-paying jobs, you’ve got it made.”




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