• 贝贝书屋     怎样祝别人“休假愉快”?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    只说“Have a good vacation!”是不是太简单了呢!参考一下以下这些说法吧!

    • (For a co-worker) “Hey! Make the best of your vacation time! You have worked very hard to get this time off, so I hope that you enjoy it. Don’t worry, I’ll hold down the office fort while you are away. See you soon.”
    • 至同事:辛苦这么久了,好好享受休假时光哦!办公室这边不用担心,我会搞定的!
    • (For your best friend) “Though I know you are enjoying a cold beer on the beach without me but I’m not jealous. (I’m sooooo jealous.) Enjoy vacationing without me! Come back soon!”
    • 至朋友:我知道你这家伙正躺在海滩上喝啤酒呢,不过我点都不嫉妒(嫉妒死我了好吧!)好好享受啊!快点滚回来哦!
    • (For an acquaintance) “I wish you all the best for your vacation time. May all the happiness in the world embrace you! Let your fun be unlimited with friends and family. Bon voyage!”

    • (For your wife) “This house will surely feel empty and quiet without you here for the next couple of days. I’m assuming that you want me to do the dishes this week? I’ll get it done. In the meantime, I love you and please travel safely.”
    • 至妻子:亲爱的,这个家没有你在会多空啊!看来这周你是指望我自己刷盘子了?行吧我会好好刷的。非常爱你!旅途平安!
    • (For your husband) “I know that this is a big business trip for you and your partners. Knock ‘em dead hun! I love you! Travel safely and please call me as soon as you arrive.”
    • 至丈夫:我知道这次出差对你和同事们特别重要!搞定他们哦!爱你!到了给我打电话。
    • (For your girlfriend) “I am so happy that you are getting to spend quality time with your family! I wish I could be there with you! Travel as safe as possible and let me know that you got there safely.”
    • 至女朋友:我很开心你能和家人一起分享美好时光!真希望我也能和你在一起。旅行平安!到了告诉我哦!
    • (For your boyfriend) “I’m jealous you’re going on vacation, but I’m happy that you get to spend it with your family. You better call me every night, or you’ll be in trouble when you get back. xoxo”
    • 至男朋友:你居然撇下我去休假,呜呜呜!不过很开心你能和家人一起休息几天。记得老老实实给我打电话啊,每天晚上哦!不然等你回来收拾你!亲亲!

    • “I wish you a ton of happiness, joy, and fun while you are on vacation! I hope you have a great time!”
    • 希望你的旅行充满欢乐!一定要好好玩儿哦!
    • “Catch you later! I wish you all the best for your vacation.”
    • 祝一切顺利!过几天见哦!
    • “Enjoy the rest and downtime! I know I would! Safe travels!”
    • 好好休息!我反正会的!一路平安!
    • “I hope your vacation gives you the pleasure you need so that you don’t have to think of any problems back at home. Enjoy your vacation.”
    • 希望旅行能给你带来你最需要的放松和休息,这样你就不会老想着烦心事儿了。
    • “Sit back. Relax. Enjoy your vacation!”
    • 放松,放松,再放松!好好享受假期哦!



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