• 贝贝书屋     一学就会的口语表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    1. I’ll Say. =可不是么!可说呢!
    You can say “I’ll say” to show that you strongly agree with what the other person says. We often use “I’ll say” to imply that what the other person said was an understatement, and that the truth is even “stronger” than their statement.
    A: 今天我去中介问了一下房价。你猜这小区都涨到多少了?8万!8万啊!就这破房子,也太离谱了吧!
    B:I’ll say…可说呢!

    2. Fat Chance!=怎么可能!你得了吧!
    “Fat chance!” means that there is a very little possibility of something happening. The possibility is so small that you think it won’t happen. (You should only use it with very good friends, never in a professional situation.)虽然这里用的是“fat”但其实是机会很小的意思哦!
    A more formal and polite way to express a small probability is “I don’t think that’s very likely.”
    A: 我觉得这次的点赞数得过一千了!
    B: Fat Chance! 你醒醒吧!

    3. I Rest My Case.=我啥都不说了。
    You can say this when you are expressing a fact or opinion, and then something happens to prove your point perfectly and show that you are completely correct.
    A: 你哪会做饭啊?
    B: 我会啊! 我中午刚煮的方便面。
    A: I rest my case。。。我啥也不说了。

    4. What’s The Catch?=太完美了吧?是有设么隐情吧?有什么陷阱吧?
    You can say this when something sounds too good to be true. It means that you suspect that there is a hidden problem, which might make the opportunity not as good as it appears to be.
    A: 我那天看一卖房广告特诱人!海景房,精装修,正南正北无公摊,一平米才5千!!!
    B: 不会吧?What’s the catch? 是有什么隐情吧?
    A: 还真是,后来听说旁边有核电站。。。

    5. Good Call.=好主意。你这想法不错!幸好你想到了。
    When you respond to a statement with “good call,” you are saying that the other person made a good decision or a smart observation.
    A: 今天下班干点啥?看电影还是吃饭?
    C: 哦对哦!Good call! 你不说我都忘了。

    6. Take Your Pick.=随便挑。
    You can say “take your pick” when you are offering the other person items for them to make a choice.
    A: 你怎么又改卖茶叶啦?
    B: 是啊,这不你爱喝茶么。来, take you pick,随便挑!

    7. Make Yourself At Home.=就当到家了,别客气啊!
    You can say this to welcome someone who comes to your home for a visit. It means they can sit down, get comfortable, and relax.
    A: 来来快请进!
    B: 不错啊你这小公寓,还挺温馨。
    A: 嗨就随便布置了一下。 Make yourself at home. 随便坐别客气啊!

    8. It’s A Small World!=这世界也太小了吧!
    You can say “It’s a small world!” (or “What a small world!”) in reaction to an unexpected coincidence.
    A: 你老家哪儿的呀?
    B: 我就北京的啊。后来去美国读的书。
    A: 哪个大学啊?
    B: XYZ大学。
    A: 啊?不会吧!What a small world! 我也是那儿毕业的耶!


    1970-01-01   19赞       2踩       4522浏览 评论(5)


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