• 贝贝书屋     实用又好记的英语词组+应用(干货满满)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1. 爱情:
    seeing is believing眼见为实
    gild the lily 画蛇添足
    Achilles’ heels 致命要害
    white night 不眠之夜
    Love me love my dog 爱屋及乌
    life is but a dream 人生如梦
    to run counter 背道而驰
    castle in the air 空中楼阁

    I’ve long heard about your beauty but seeing is believing. I saw you that day, standing among the waving grass, wind blowing through your hair. The sight of you was filled with so much beauty that I froze, right there, staring at you, the shape of your figure, the outline of your face and the ringing of your laughter. You had a flower in your hair, but I thought you were perfect already and the flower was just gilding the lily.

    I was too shy to step forward and introduce myself, that’s been my Achilles’ heels all my life. So much feeling but can’t put them into words, into sounds.

    Seeing you was followed by many white nights, when I would lie awake, thinking about you and kissed you in my dreams. I was ready to love you and all that was in your life, love you and love your dog. But by daybreak, when light once again comes to my world, I know, life is all but a dream. The reality would run counter to what I desire, all but castles in the air.

    2. 激励:
    sugar-coated bullets 糖衣炮弹
    no discord, no concord 不打不成交
    win-win cooperation 强强联手
    more brave than wise 有勇无谋
    A ship rises with the tide 水涨船高
    a drop in a bucket 沧海一粟
    work like a horse 当牛做马
    a heart of steel 铁石心肠
    a fly in the ointment 白璧之瑕,美中不足
    to cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴
    great minds think alike 英雄所见略同
    all is vanity 四大皆空

    Compliments are often just sugar-coated bullets, very sweet and will make you drop your guard and then you die. Don’t be afraid of harsh words and even a fight or two. You’ve heard, no discord, no concord. Being in a conflict could be a great start to eventually building a win-win cooperation. And you can’t win by just being a tough fighter, being more brave than wise won’t get you far. Even if you struggle, struggle among the fittest, because a ship rises with the tide, you make it among them, you make it in the world. You think you’ve worked hard? Come on, your effort was just a drop in a bucket. To win, you got to work like a horse and grow a heart of steel. The pain of it? That will just be a fly in the ointment.

    If you are thinking of backing off, going back to a life that’s rosy and safe, then I’m just casting pearls before a swine. But I know, I see it in your eyes. You want to be at the top. I know, cause great minds think alike.

    You want to be somebody? You want real triumph? Then all else is vanity.

    3. 励志:
    the golden rule 金科玉律
    practice makes perfect 熟能生巧
    go all out不遗余力
    step by step 循序渐进
    advance with time与时俱进
    time is money 一寸光阴一寸金
    win-win cooperation 强强联手
    survival of the fittest 优胜略汰
    No pain no gain 不经一事不长一智

    The golden rule of success is: Practice makes perfect! You need to go all out, but step by step and advance with time. Time is money and you need to work well with others for win-win cooperation. But of course, survival and great success is only for the fittest. So work hard and work smart. Remember, no pain no gain! Now go for it!



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