• Liliaaaaaaa     怎么摆脱老遇渣男命运——举行个洗礼仪式吧

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1. magnet: 磁铁/体

    2. chant: If you chant something or if you chant, you repeat the same words over and over again. 反复地说

    3. digital watch:电子表

    4. shave:When someone shaves, he removes the hair from his face using a razor or shaver so that his face is smooth. 剃须, 刮脸

    5. ritual: A ritual is a religious service or other ceremony which involves a series of actions performed in a fixed order. 宗教仪式; 典礼

    6. sage is a herb used in cooking. (用于烹调的) 鼠尾草
    7. branch:树枝,分支

    8. sacramental: Something that is sacramental is connected with a Christian religious ceremony. 圣礼的

    9. Semen is the liquid containing sperm that is produced by the sex organs of men and male animals. 精液

    10. shorts:短裤
    11. Boxer shorts are loose-fitting men's underpants that are shaped like the shorts worn by boxers. (宽松的)平脚短内裤

    12. receipt:收据

    13. grappa:格拉巴酒(用酒渣酿制的一种白兰地)

    1970-01-01   14赞       2踩       6896浏览 评论(0)
女 女二号lv39


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