• 青草萋萋     牛津书虫(第22天)B

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    chapter 4



    walk past走过,经过
    know about have knowledge of sth,be aware of sth了解或知道某事物
    princess n.the daughter of the sovereign公主
    littern.couch carried on men's shoulders as means of transport轿子
    run home run to one's home跑回家
    jewel n.precious stones宝石
    be angry with filled with anger生气的,愤怒的,发怒的
    in front of in a position further forward than but close(sb./sth.)在(某人/某物)前面
    in one's ear very close to one's ear在(某人)耳边
    speak to have a conversation with 交谈,对……说话
    in a second in a very short time很快
    asleep adj.not awake,sleeping睡着的,睡熟的
    think only of……只想着……
    dress n.garment for a woman or girl女装
    quietly adv.with little sound轻声的,悄声的
    blacj magic n.magic supposed to invoks evil spirits巫术,妖术
    chapter 5


    get out draw out,pull out拿出,掏出
    go hunting去打猎
    laugh at show that one is amused by sb./sth因某人或某事物而发笑
    know nothing about对……一无所知
    walk away leave走开,离开

    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       32浏览 评论(0)


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