• 吾三习     The charlotte's web

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    The charlotte's web(1)
    One spring, on a farm in Somerset County, Maine, Fern finds her father about to kill the runt of a litter of newborn pigs. She successfully begs him to spare its life. He gives it to her, who names him Wilbur and raises him as her pet.

    The charlotte's web(2)
    To Fern's regret, when Wilbur grows into an adult pig, she is forced to take him to the Zuckerman farm, where he is to be prepared as dinner in due time.

    The charlotte's web(3)
    Wilbur is sold to Fern's uncle, Homer Zuckerman, in whose barnyard he is left yearning for companionship but is snubbed by other barn animals.

    The charlotte's web(4)
    Charlotte A. Cavatica , a spider, lives in the space above Wilbur's sty in the Zuckermans' barn; After communication, Charlotte and Wilbur became good friends.

    The charlotte's web(5)
    After Wilbur and Charlotte become good friends.Wilbur lives very happy and all of animals in the barn are full of energy and enthusiasm。

    The charlotte's web(6)
    Wilbur saves Charlotte from Avery,In quarrels.Templeton tells Wilbur that he is intended for slaughter, Charlotte promises to hatch a plan guaranteed to spare his life。

    The charlotte's web(7)
    The next morning, Lurvy, sees the words, SOME PIG, spun within Charlotte's web. The incident attracts publicity among Homer's neighbors who deem the praise to be a miracle. The publicity eventually dies down, and Charlotte requests the barn animals to devise a new word to spin within her web

    The charlotte's web(8)
    After several suggestions,Charlotte finally spin ' TERRIFIC'.The incident becomes another media sensation,but Homer still desires to slaughter Wilbur. At the request of all animals,Templeton agree to help Wilbur get another word

    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       1409浏览 评论(1)


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