• 凡凡君(工作冒泡ing)     画心---双语版

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》



    看不穿 是你失落的魂魄

    I can neither see through your lost soul

    猜不透 是你瞳孔的颜色

    nor I can guss the color in your eyes

    一阵风 一场梦 爱如(是)生命般(的)莫测

    dreams go like winds, so is love, just like the unimagic life

    你的心 到底被什么蛊惑

    can you tell me what deluded you


    you were missed in the darkness

    看桃花 开出怎样的结果

    I wanna see the peach blossoming someday

    看着你抱着我 目光似(比)月色寂寞

    you carry me in your arms, but your eyes shine as the lonely moon

    就让你 在别人怀里快乐

    let you have your happiness without me

    爱着你 像心跳难触摸

    loving you 'cause I can't stop my heart

    画着你 画不出你的骨骼

    drawing your body but I can't touch your mind

    记着你的脸色 是我等你的执着

    remembering your face till the end of my life

    你是我 一首唱不完的歌 (我的心 只愿为你而割舍)

    you know you're the song of my mind

    (I'm alive only because of you)

    1970-01-01   15赞       1踩       501浏览 评论(13)