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    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    There are four girls. They go to school by car every day. Their parents drive them all to school. One day, after the girls arrive at school, Angie says, “Let’s go to class an hour late. I don’t want to take the math test today.” The other three girls think it is a good idea, because they all don’t want to take the test. Angie says, “But our teacher will be angry if we come late. So we need a good excuse(借口).” “Oh, that’s easy,” says Susan. “ We just tell the teacher that my mother’s car has a flat tire(轮胎坏了). So we are late.” All the girls think it is a good excuse. When the girls arrive at the classroom an hour later, the math test is over. The teacher is very angry. “Why are you late?” asks the teacher. Susan says, “My mother’s car has a flat tire and we have to wait for her to repair it.” Then the teacher says, “Sit down, girls. Take out a piece of paper and a pen. Write down which tire is fault(出故障) on the paper.” The four girls look at each other and they don’t know what to write.


    第1题:The four girls go to school by bus.

    小题2:Only Angie doesn’t want to take the math test.

    小题3: One day, the four girls were late because their mother’s car had a flat tyre.

    小题4: When the four girls arrived at the classroom, the math test was over.

    小题5: The math teacher is very clever.

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       336浏览 评论(2)
女 中级配角lv27


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