• Jenny婕     让我们来谈谈单身日记????

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》





    105 So, it didn't work out with Daniel Cleaver? 你和丹尼尔没在一起了?
    106No, it didn't. 没有
    107I'm delighted to hear it. 我很高兴听到
    108Look, are you and Cosmo in this together? 你和卡斯模是故意串通好的吗?
    109You seem to go out of your way to try to make me feel... 每次见到你
    110like a complete idiot every time I see you... 你总是不遗余力的让我觉得自己很白痴
    111and you really needn't bother. 其实你不必费心
    112I already feel like an idiot most of the time anyway...
    113with or without a fireman's pole. 多半的时间就算没有消防柱 多半的时间就算没有消防柱
    114That'll be my taxi.Good night. 计程车来了,晚安
    115Look, I'm sorry if I've been... 对不起,如果我…
    116What? 怎么样?
    117I don't think you're an idiot at all. 我一点也不觉得你像白痴
    118I mean, there are elements of the ridiculous about you. 有时候你是很滑稽
    119Your mother's pretty interesting. 你母亲也很奇怪
    120And you really are an appallingly bad public speaker. 而且你的演讲实在恐怖
    121And you tend to let whatever is in your head... 你习惯性的想什么,就说什么
    122come out of your mouth without much consideration of the consequences. 从不考虑后果
    123I realize that when I met you at the turkey curry buffet... 在咖哩火鸡餐会见到你时
    124that I was unforgivably rude and wearing a reindeer jumper... 那天我不但非常不礼貌
    125that my mother had given me the day before. 是我妈前一天给我的
    126But the thing is... 但事实是…
    127What I'm trying to say, very inarticulately... 抱歉我口齿不清我想说的…
    128is that... 就是…
    129in fact, perhaps, despite appearances... 实际上…也许…坦白的说
    130I like you very much. 我很喜欢你
    131Apart from the smoking and the drinking... 除了抽烟、喝酒
    132and the vulgar mother and the verbal diarrhea. 还有粗俗的妈妈和唠叨不停的毛病
    133No, I like you very much, just as you are. 不,我喜欢你就是你现在的样子

    233Did I really run round your lawn naked?
    234 Oh, yes. You were four, and I was eight. 真的,你四岁,我八岁
    235 That's a pretty big age difference. 那我们差得蛮多的
    236 It's quite pervy, really. 似乎是很反常
    237 Yes, I like to think so. 我也这么想

    1970-01-01   12赞       6踩       2026浏览 评论(2)
女 中级龙套lv12


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