• ZouKiYa     ?Just so you know-Jesse McCartney【另有惊喜

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    杰西·麦卡尼1987年4月9日出生于纽约,自小就开始参加地区性音乐剧的演出,杰西·麦卡尼 (Jesse McCartney)16岁开始展开个人的音乐事业,2004年发行的首张个人专辑《天使的心Beautiful Soul》,迅速在全球卖出150 万张,更在台湾地区的G-Music风云榜、五大金榜都夺下冠军宝座,还连冠Hit FM、飞碟电台、 ICRT、 KISS Radio四大电台。




    I shouldn't love you but i want to 不该爱你但我情不自禁
    I just can't turn away 就是无法放弃
    I shouldn't see you but i can't move 不该看你但我无法控制
    I can't look away 眼光离不开你
    And i dont know how to be fine when i'm not 心事重重装不出若无其事
    Cause i don't know how to make the feelings stop 因为我不知如何让感情停止
    Just so you know 只是要你知道
    This feelings takin control of me 这感情已控制了我
    And i can't help it 无法自拔
    I won’t sit around 无法坐视不管
    I can't let him win now 不能让你跟他走
    Though you should know 我以为你知道
    I've tried my best to let go of you 我已尽力勉强自己放手
    But i don't want to 但我不愿意
    I just gutta say it all before you go 想要告诉你 在我离开前
    Just so you know 只是要你知道
    It's gettin hard to be around you 在你身边我手足无措
    Theres so much i can't say 好多话不能说
    And do you want me to hide the feelings 你希望我收藏起情感
    And look away 把心转向他方吗?
    And i dont know how to be fine when i'm not 心事重重装不出若无其事
    Cause i don't know how to make the feelings stop 因为我不知如何让感情停止
    Repeat Chorus 重复副歌
    This emptimess is killin me 这空虚啃噬著我
    I'm wonderin why i've waited so long 不明白为何等这麼久
    Lookin back i realize 回顾以往我才发现
    It was always there to be spoken 这情诉一直在我却没说出口
    Now i'm waitin here 我在此守候……… Been waitin here 一直在此守候

    上次听完 Never far away

    Stay with you



    1970-01-01   3赞       1踩       121浏览 评论(0)
女 资深龙套lv18


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