• 酷乐英语     2015年青竹湖湘一小升初英语试卷

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    一、选择题。 (共10分,每小题1分)
    1. –Let’s listen to the teacher. It’s _________ to us.
    A. online                
    B. wide                      
    C. important

    2. I once went to the Palace Museum. I saw a lot of  _________ there.
     A. treasures     
    B. journey                  
    C. army

    3. Who can _________  the picture? Does anyone want to try?
     A. discover      
    B. realize                   
    C. describe

    4. My sister shows (an) _________ in music. She thinks music is _________.
    A. interest; interesting                   
    B. interesting; interest
    C. interesting; interesting

    5. –Mum, I set the table.
      - _________. Let’s have lunch.
    A. Guess what!          
    B. Well done.            
    C. It doesn’t matter.

    6. –Can you play _________ erhu?
      -Yes, I can. It is _________ ancient musical instrument.
    A. the; a      
    B. an; an                    
    C. the; an

    7. The beef _________ delicious. I would like some more.
     A. tastes              
    B. looks                      
    C. smells

    8. Bob went to the party, _________ his brother didn’t.
     A. and                        
    B. so                          
    C. but

    9. The book is interesting. It is worth _________.
    A. to read      
    B. read                      
    C. reading

    10. We have some cards, books and pens. What _________ things do we need?
    A. else           
    B. other                     
    C. another
    On school trips, everyone can relax and have 【11  】. They don’t have to【12  】about homework or tests, and everybody can get to know each other better. School trips make study more【   13    】and the students can learn more【   14   】nature(自然).
    There are different kinds of school trips. Sometimes school trips【  15  】to go to the movies, zoos and parks. Sometimes they are to【 16      】another city. Of course a school trip depends on(取决于) weather, money, distance(距离) and the age of the students. To have an【 17   】school trip, please pay attention to (注意) the following:1.   【 18     】a good traveling timetable. 2. Pack some clothes, food and drinks. 3. Take a hat 【    19     】 summer. Take some medicine and an umbrella. 4. Make sure【   20    】trip will be.
    (    ) 11. A. funny    B. time    C. fun
    (    ) 12. A. forget  B. begin  C. worry
    (    ) 13.
    A. interesting B. hard C. scared
    (    ) 14. A. to   B. for   C. from
    (    ) 15. A. is    B.are C. was
    (    ) 16. A. go   B. find    C. visit
    (    ) 17. A. happy  B. sad  C. surprised
    (    ) 18. A. Make  B. Do C. Find
    (    ) 19. A. at      B. on       C. in
    (    ) 20.
    A. how much  
    B. how many
    C. how long

    Dear Mary,
    Next Saturday I want to go on a trip to Sydney with my family. Would you like to go with us? We want to leave on August 15. And we want to stay there for a week. We want to shop and visit the places of interest. We’d like to stay at a big hotel. You and I can have a room.
    It’s about 780 kilometres from here to Sydney. And it usually takes 11 hours to drive there. We want to leave at about 5:00 on Saturday morning and we can get there before evening. We’re passing by (经过) your house, so we can pick you up at 7:00 a.m.. Please tell me soon if you want to go with us.

    21. How does Grace plan to go on a trip?
    A. By plane        
    B. By bus                          
    C. By car

    22. They want to _________ in Sydney.
    A. go fishing                      
    B. visit places of interest 
    C. go swimming

    23. When will Grace arrive in Sydney?
    A. At 4:00 p.m. onSunday                      B. At 5:00 p.m. on Sunday
    C. At 4:00 p.m. on Saturday

    24. What’s the meaning (意思) of “pick up” in Chinese?
      A. 搭救。 B 拾起。 C.中途搭车

    25. Which of the following is NOT true?
    A. Grace wants Mary to go on the trip with them.
     B. It’s 780 kilometres from Grace’s home to Sydney.
     C. They can pick up May at 5:00 p.m.

    26. I really enjoyed _________(I) at the party today.
    27. Can you see any _________(box) under the bed?
    28. I think it’s _________(real) a good present. Thank you, Mom.
    29. Mike _________(go) to the park with his parents last week.
    30. Lucy is very _________(excite) to see her parents again.
    31. Don’t _________(stand) under the tree. It is broken.
    32. –Did Mike have a good time, Kim?
       --Yes, he enjoy _________(he).
    33. We can find many _________ (different) between the two languages.
    34. I’m sorry. I can’t give you a _________(quickly) reply.
    35. The students _________(play) basketball yesterday.

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