• 嘻哈Richard     嘻哈Richard 嘻哈English Day 8

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Hello guys,
    Welcome to XiHa English Day 8. Again this is Richard, and I am really excited to study English with you guys togeter. Now let's get started.

    You probably have learned that intonation is very important in spoken English. Yet, for foreign learners including me, there could still be times when you forget to use the right intonations, which would cause misunderstandings. For example, if you see a HOTdog stand and tell your friend you want to buy a hot DOG, your friend will probably think that you are going to buy a dog.
    各位可能已经了解到口语中语调是很重要的。但是,对于外国学习者来说,当然也包括我在内,有的时候,我们仍然会用错语调,进而被误解。比如,若果你碰见一个“HOTdog”摊,你告诉你的朋友你要买"a hot DOG",你朋友很可能以为你要买一只狗。

    Other such scenarios include: a GREENhouse & a green house, an ORANGE tree & an orange TREE, a BLACKsheep & a black SHEEP and so forth.
    其他一些例子有:一个温室&一栋绿色房子,一颗橙子树&一个橙色的树,一个害群之马&一只黑羊 等等。

    So how do we distinguish them? In American English, they call "GREENhouse" set phrase and "green HOUSE" descriptive phrase. Set phrases are things that people are very familiar with and in speaking set phrases we stress the former word. Descriptive are composed of adjective and noun, and the adjective is used to modify the noun, so we stress the latter word.

    Next time when you watch American TVs or movies, pay attention to how they speak these phrases. And you will surely learn something.

    Okay, this is all today. Thank you for reading this post. If you like this, please give me a thumb-up and if you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment. Your support will be the best power that drives me forward. Thank you guys!☺

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