• 嘻哈Richard     嘻哈Richard 嘻哈English Day 6

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Hello guys,
    Welcome to XiHa English Day 6. Again this is Richard, and I am really excited to study English with you guys togeter. Now let's get started.

    On Day 5, we talked about can and can't. Do you still remember them? I recommend that you go back and have a revision. Today we are going to study the possible intonations of the wh-questions.
    在Day 5 我们谈了can和can't。还记得吗?我建议你们去回顾一下。今天我们将要学习特殊疑问句的可能出现的语调。
    I will use the following wh-question as an example and introduce to you the different intonations of it. Notice the capitalized words should be stressed.
    A. When would you LEAVE?


    B. When would YOU leave?


    C. When WOULD you leave?


    D. WHEN would you leave?


    Sentence A is a common question, people normally read it this way.

    Sentence B is usually used when you want somebody in particular to answer you. For example, it's 10:01 P.M. now and your coffee shop was supposed to be closed at 10:00 P.M., but you find that two customers are still drinking coffee and chatting in your shop. So you go over and ask one of them: "Sorry Sir, we're about to close, would you please tell me when you will LEAVE?" And then, you continue to ask the other one: "Sir, when would YOU leave?"
    通常当你想让某个特定的人回答你的问题时,你会使用句子B。比如,现在是晚上10:01,你的咖啡店本该在晚上10:00关门,可是有两个顾客还在店里还在喝咖啡聊天。所以,你走过去并问其中人:"Sorry Sir, we're about to close, would you please tell me when you will LEAVE?" 接着,你继续问另一个人:"Sir, when would YOU leave?"

    Sentence C is probably used when you are a little annoyed, because you can't reach a consensus in the negotiation of date. For example, you are talking with a lodger on when he move out of your house. You suggested that he move out this Saturday and he refused. And then you said next Tuesday would be the deadline and he refused again. This time you are little annoyed, so you ask: "When WOULD you leave?"
    当你因无法在关于时间选项的谈判中达成一致而感到有些恼火时,你有可能会用到句子C。比如,你正在和房客谈什么时间让他搬出去。你提议他这周六搬走,他拒绝了。于是你告诉他下周二是最后时间,他又拒绝了。这次你有些恼火,于是你就问他:"When WOULD you leave?"(表示你到底什么时候搬走?)

    Sentence D is often used either because you are surprised by the time when your friend will leave, or because you didn't hear the time clearly. For example, your friend told you that he is going to leave tomorrow and you can't believe because he has just come here this morning, so you are shocked and ask "WHEN would you leave?" The other scenario is that you didn't hear clearly when your friend is going to leave, so you ask him: "WHEN would you leave?"
    通常,使用句子D,要么是因为你对朋友离开的时间感到惊讶,要么就是因为你没听清楚他什么时候离开。比如,你的朋友告诉你他明天要离开,你不敢相信,因为他今天上午刚来,你有些吃惊,所以你就会问:"WHEN would you leave?(什么,你什么时候离开?)" 另一种情形是,你没听清楚你朋友什么时候离开,所你问他:"WHEN would you leave?(你刚说你什么时候离开来着)"

    Now you have learned the different intonation patterns, and I believe that you might also have noticed that sometimes we use intonation changes to give more message than we do written English. So next time pay attention to the intonation when you watch English movie or TVs.

    Okay, this is all today. Thank you for reading this post. If you like this, please give me a thumb-up and if you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment. Your support will be the best power that drives me forward. Thank you guys!☺

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