• 酷乐英语     疑问代词--特殊疑问句

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》



    What can you see in the picture?
    Which are yours?  
    What did you say?

     A. Who has borrowed my bike?谁借了我的自行车?
    Jack. 杰克。
    Jack has borrowed your bike.  

    B. What is he doing there?他在那儿干什么呢?
    Working. 工作
    He is working.  

    C. Whose bike is this?这辆自行车是谁的?
    Mr.  Smith’ s. 史密斯先生的。
    It’ s Mr. Smith’ s bike.

    【常见疑问代词】疑问代词有下列几个:what, who, whose, whom, which, whatever, whichever ,whoever, whomever,常见的有:
    who, which,what,whose等

    🌟Who 谁
    Who is the girl under the tree?      Who is not here?

    Whose pen is this?                   
    Whose are those shoes?
    🌟Which 哪个,哪些
    Which girls will be in the sports meeting? Which hat is Lily’s ?
    ★Which season in Beijing do you like best? (2013年北雅)

    What can you see in the picture?      What is in the teacher’s room?
       ★What are you going to do today? (2013年北雅)
       ★What’s the weather like in Nanjing? (2013年北雅)
    ★What's your favorite…? (2013年博才)
    回答为My favorite…is…

    A. What’s your favorite flower? My favorite flower is Lilies.
    B. What’s your favorite animal? My favorite animal is dogs.
    C.What’s your favorite season? My favorite season is summer.


    1 定
    2 变
    3 提前



    (  )1. A: _________ the weather _________ in Nanjing? (2013年北雅)
         B: It's very hot in summer.
    A. What's; like        B. What; like      
    C. What's; is          D. What's; /

    (  )2. A: _________ season in Beijing _________ you like best? (2013年北雅)
    B: I like autumn best. It's cool and sunny.
    A. What; does         B. Which; are   
    C. Which; do          D. What; are

    (   )3.---What's the weather like in summer in Changsha?
           ---It’s very ___. (2011年博才)
    A. cold     B. cool     C. hot     D.warm

    Harry Potter 里的赫敏【艾玛沃森】也是非常喜欢阅读的孩子!

    ❤️:Life likes a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna to get it!

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       269浏览 评论(1)
女 中级配角lv27


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