• 韩雪Cecilia     娱乐没有圈S02E04:变形金刚玩历史

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》




    Week ago, we learned that Transformers: The Last Knight would be bringing Hitler and Nazis into the equation somehow. This information came to light because the sequel from director Michael Bay is currently filming in the United Kingdom, and one of their locations included Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, the home of Winston Churchill. However, it had been draped in giant Nazi flags and surrounded by their artillery and SS stormtroopers. This upset some veterans groups, and it stirred up quite a controversy across the pond.

    对于引起的争议和不满,导演迈克尔·贝通过BBC向观众解释说:丘吉尔在电影中将被塑造成一个大英雄,就算丘吉尔首相本人也会对这部变形金刚电影报以微笑的。 "I just want to say, people were not fortunate enough to read the script, and they don't know that Churchill in this movie is a big hero. And Churchill would be smiling about Last Knight. They haven’t seen the movie, they don't know the ending, and they don't know how Churchill is a hero in this movie. "

    He continued to defend the Transformers sequel against criticism:
    "When you see the movie, you’ll understand. I for one, probably more than any director in the world, have shot more veterans and more active military men and women in my movies. I would do nothing to disrespect veterans."



    其实,《变形金刚》系列一直热衷于“改写历史”玩。Michael Bay has always been keen on adapting history in Transformer series. 接下来咱们就一起来看看究竟变形金刚都对那些历史动过手脚。

    在第一部《变形金刚》中,水坝其实是胡佛总统为镇压外星人而建的“雷峰塔”,而被关押的正是逃难落入地球的威震天; 更重要的是,人类社会近百年来的所有科技进步,都是来自于科学家对这个外星智能机器人的研究。


    In the first Transformer movie, the Hoover Dam, built in the year 1936, was not for the taming of Colorado River as it's shown to the world, but for the restraining of Megatron that has fallen to our planet. More importantly, all the advancement in science and technology, are fundamentally based on the research of this allien robot.


    原来,为了保护一个可以从恒星吸取能量的装置,变形金刚的几位领导者“The Primes”将它带到了地球;这些变形金刚被地球人奉为神灵,并在地球人的协助下修建了吉萨金字塔,将所有秘密藏在了自己的坟墓里。


    The sequel of the movie, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, had revealed the biggist secret in the history of mankind, so the Pyramid was built by transformers for the protection of a cube that can absorb power from outer space fixed stars. It was taken by the Primes to earth, worshipped by mankind as God. It built the Giza Pyramid with the assistance of humans and buried itself in the graves.




    Back in the year 1969, when US military found out some unusual activities occured on the moon. President Kennedy ordered to speed up the Moon Landing project.
    After the landing on the moon, when Armstrong finished his world-famous line: That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. The signal for communication broke off. Well actually, they secretly went on to survey on the alien spaceship that has fallen on the moon.




    In the fourth one, the beginning scene was quite astounding. It showed that 50 million years ago, the earth was colonized by aliens who built dinosaur robots to replace the real dinosaurs in that time to rule the world.




    So judging by the previous 4 transformer movies, The Last Knight would probably go further beyond the horizon. Not only adapt the course of the Second World War to the movie, but also bring great names in the history like King Arther and Merlin to the club. Personally I really have no idea what kind of flames they can sparkle with the transformers, so let's just wait patiently and enjoy the movie next year.


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