• 酷乐英语     Lesson3-5 单词讲解

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Lesson 003
    New words and Expressions


    1. umbrella
    My coat and my umbrella, please.
    Bring your umbrella with you. It’s going to rain.
    Where’s my umbrella?

    2. please
    Please pass me the book.
    Close the door, please.

    3. here
    Here is my ticket.
    Here comes the bus.
    My aunt lives here.

    4. my
    My coat and my umbrella, please.
    I called my mum yesterday.
    Have you seen my book?

    The plane ticket is two hundred dollars ($ 200).
    I forgot to bring my ticket with me.

    6. number
    Thank you, sir. No 5.
    What is your phone number, please?
    My room number is 309.

    7. five
    There are five people in my family.
    He can eat five apples at a time.

    8. sorry
    This is not my umbrella, sorry sir.
    Sorry. I’m late.
    I’m sorry. I broke your glass.

    9. sir
    Can I help you, sir?
    Sir, you’ve dropped something.

    10. cloakroom
    Excuse me. Where’s cloakroom?
    You can leave your coat in the cloakroom.


    Lesson 004
    New words and expressions:

    1. suit
    Is this your suit?
    He looks nice in the new suit.
    How much is your suit?

    2. school
    Is this your school?
    Dad takes us to school every day.
    Which school do you go to?

    3. teacher
    Is this your teacher?
    Miss Lee is my favorite teacher.
    How many teachers are there in your school?

    4. son
    Is this your son?
    Her son is eighteen years old.
    Your son is so lovely.

    5. daughter
    Is this your daughter?
    My daughters are at school now.
    They have three sons and a daughter.


    Lesson 005
    New Word and expressions

    1. Mr.
    Good morning, Mr. Black.
    Hello, Mr. White.
    Mr. Smith comes from London.

    2. good
    Good morning.
    He is a good teacher.
    It’s good to see you.

    3. morning
    We’re leaving tomorrow morning.
    I get up early every morning.

    4. Miss
    This is Miss Sophie Dupont.
    This is Miss Green, your new teacher.
    Good morning, Miss Lee.

    5. new
    Sophie is a new student.
    Do you like my new car?
    He got a new job last week.

    6. student
    The school has about three thousand students.
    He is a student at a night school.

    7. French
    She is French.
    Do you speak French?
    French wine is famous all over the world.

    8. German
    Sophie, this is Hans. He is German.
    This book is written in German.
    Cindy’s husband is German.

    9. nice
    Nice to meet you.
    Have a nice trip.
    That’s a nice coat.

    10. meet
    Let’s meet at the gate of the theatre.
    I will go to meet you at the airport.

    11. Japanese
    And this is Naoko. She’s Japanese.
    He married a Japanese girl last year.
    Sony is a big Japanese company.

    12. Korean
    And this is Chang-woo. He’s Korean.
    Korean films are popular these days.
    There are many Korean students in this college.

    13. Chinese
    And this is Lu Ming. He is Chinese.
    Are you Chinese?
    The Chinese people are peace loving.

    14. too
    She’s Chinese, too.
    I like music. My sister likes music, too.
    I, too, have been to New York.




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