• 酷乐英语     Lesson1-2 单词音频

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    Lesson 001
    New Words and expressions
    1. excuse
    Excuse me.
    Excuse me. Is this your pen?
    Excuse. What time is it?

    2. me
    Give me that book.
    Please tell me more.

    3. yes
    Yes, it is.
    - Are you a student?
    - Yes, I am.
    - Can I have a cup of tea?
    - Yes, of course.

    4. is
    Is this your handbag?
    Today is Monday.
    This card is mine.

    5. this
    Is this your book?

    6. pardon
    Pardon me?
    Pardon? Will you say that again?

    7. it
    Yes, it is.
    - Whose bike is this?
    - It’s mine.
    That skirt is expensive, isn’t it?

    8. thank you
    Thank you.
    Thank you very much.
    Thank you for your help.
    She said ‘Thank you’ to me with a smile.

    9. very much
    I like her very much.
    Mary likes singing very much.

    Lesson 002


    New words and expressions:
    1. pen
    Is this your pen?
    May I borrow your pen?
    This pen is made in China.

    2. pencil
    Is this your pencil?
    The pencil on the desk is mine.
    Whose pencil is this?

    3. book
    Is this your book?
    I am reading a book.
    He has lots of books.

    4. watch
    Is this your watch?
    My watch has stopped. This watch is too dear.

    Is this your coat?
    How much is this coat?
    Put on your coat.

    6. dress
    Is this your dress?
    Her new dress looks nice.
    How much is this dress?

    7. skirt
    Is this your skirt?
    She is wearing a short skirt.
    This kind of skirt is popular this year.

    8. shirt
    Is this your shirt?
    He put on a shirt and went out.
    The man in a shirt is my uncle.

    9. car
    Is this your car?
    Many people go to work by car.
    There are many cars in the street.

    10. house
    Is this your house?
    He lives in a big house.
    He has a house in Paris.




    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       271浏览 评论(1)
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