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    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》




    友谊赛 friendly
    热身赛 warm-up
    预选赛 qualifying game
    小组赛 group stage/ group match/ group phase
    循环赛 round robin
    淘汰赛 knockout stage/ knockout round
    1/4决赛 quarter-final
    半决赛 semi-final
    决赛 final


    犯规 foul play
    严重犯规(判罚直接任意球或点球) penal offense
    侵人犯规 personal foul
    技术犯规 technical foul
    故意犯规 intentional foul
    冲撞犯规 charging
    身体阻挡 body check
    铲球过迟 late tackle
    假摔 fake a fall/ fake an injury/ simulation
    粗暴行动 violent conduct
    点球 penalty kick/ spot kick
    越位 offside
    拉人犯规 holding
    推人犯规 pushing
    绊人犯规 tripping
    手球犯规 handball/ hands/ handling
    抬脚过高 foot over
    蹬踏犯规;踢人hacking/ stamping
    持球时间过长(指守门员)excessive possession of the ball


    东道国的球队 host team
    比赛踢成平局 a game is tied
    伤停补时 stoppage time/ injury time
    加时赛 extra time/ extra period/ overtime
    突然死亡(加时赛中首先进球为胜方,比赛终止) sudden death
    上半时(场) first half
    下半时(场) second half
    开球;比赛开始 kick off
    出界 outside/ out of bounds
    掷界外球 throw-in
    球门球 goal kick/ defense kick
    任意球 free kick
    角球 corner (kick)
    定位球 place kick/ stationary ball
    乌龙球 own goal
    点球绝杀 sudden death
    点球决胜 penalty shootout
    黄牌 yellow card
    红牌 red card
    停赛一场 suspend for a game
    踢罚球;主罚 take the kick
    射门 shoot/ attempt at goal/ try for goal
    守门 goalkeeping/ goaltending
    快攻;快速突破 fast break
    防守反击 switch from defense to attack/ counterattack/ push up


    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       191浏览 评论(9)
女 提名影后lv52


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