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    • from:《未知》

    保持秩序 Keep order
    豪华遥控无轨伸缩门 superior grade electronic door with remote control system
    禁止大声喧哗Please keep quiet
    加油站 filling station BP=British petroleum 站内禁止使用手机,传呼机 Mobile Phones and Pagers Prohibited at this Filling Station
    请勿打扰 Do Not Disturb
    请用逃生楼梯 Please use escape stair.
    中陶卫浴 China Sanitary Ware
    新华大厦 Xinhua Mansion
    贸易大楼 Trade Mansion
    残疾人通道 Disabled Passageway
    残疾人专用 Disabled users only
    禁止靠近 Keep Out
    消防通道 Fire escape passageway
    感应式 Auto Sensor
    餐具已消毒 Cups Disinfected
    别墅花园建造专家 Villa Garden Construction Experts
    各位旅客 Ladies and Gentlemen
    小心碰头 特别注意孩子 Please watch your head. Please take special care of your children.
    不间断电源插座 Uninterrupted Power Supply (USP)
    壁灯 Wall Light
    二街社区发展服务中心 2nd Street Community Development Service Center
    休息厅 Lounge
    紧急出口 Emergency Exit
    消防通道/紧急通道 Emergency Passageway 请勿堵塞 Do not block.
    消防器材Fire Fighting Equipment
    严禁阻挡 Do not block.
    除紧急情况外禁止使用 Emergency use only.Do not use except for in emergencies .
    行李寄存处 Baggage Check
    紧握扶手 Hold The Handrail
    请勿随地吐痰 No Spitting.
    请将废弃物投到垃圾箱内 Please throw garbage into the trash can.
    美式英语 trash can 英式英语 rubbish bin
    盛大开业 grand opening
    当心触电 Electricity ! Look out.
    吸烟区 Smoking Area
    监督电话/服务电话 Service Tel
    楼梯上下 Stairway Access
    可回收垃圾 Recycling 不可回收垃圾 Other Waste
    业务办理区 Business Office Area
    请您止步 No Access.
    结账前请出示会员卡 Please show your membership card prior to paying.结账后请当面核对小票清点钱物 After payment , please check your change and receipt.
    票款当面点清 Please check your change.
    温馨提示 Notice 请把您不想要的商品放在此箱内 Please put items you do not wish to purchase in this box.
    古装照相 Costume Photography
    灭火器 Fire Extinguisher Box

    小心玻璃 Watch the Glass
    禁止参观车辆,人员通过 No visitors.
    文明的上海 美好的生活 Civilized Shanghai , Better Life
    保洁专用 Cleaners Only.
    工具间 Toolbox
    欢迎下次光临 Thank You! Please Come Again.
    由此上楼 This way upstairs.
    清洁室 Cleaning Room
    保养中 Under Maintenance
    感染科楼 Infectious Diseases Department
    吸烟休息区 Smoker's Lounge
    小心台阶 Mind the steps.
    Chongwen District Tiyuguan Road Sub-district Government Office
    注意安全 请勿倚靠For your safety: No leaning
    (景点)欢迎您再来 Thank you for your visit. See you next time.
    溶洞内不提供厕所no washrooms are available in the cave
    生态厕所 注意清洁please keep the restroom clean
    中心绿地 central green
    导游服务咨询处 tour guide inquiries
    检票口ticket check
    请您看管好您的小孩,不要攀爬栏杆。请随时看管好自己的随身物品,以免出现高空坠物。please take care of your children. Do not climb over the rail. Please keep your belongings with you at all times , do not let them fall down.
    敬吿:为保证安全 每平方米玻璃可承重四人 请观众留意 Warning : Each square meter glass can hold only the weight of 4 persons. Please take care!
    自热方便餐 heated meal
    自动扶梯 站上启动 auto sensor escalator
    朝阳区 Chaoyang Districr 服务区Service Area
    高速公路 freeway expressway 公路 highway 斜街 byway 小巷 alleyway
    北京北公路客运站 Beijing north coach hub Beijing north long-distance bus station
    严禁疲劳驾驶 don't drive if tired
    驶出宣大高速 进入京张高速 exit xuanda expressway enter jingzhang expressway
    立交桥 brige
    北京金海湖 治超检查站 Jin Hai Hu Beijing Checkpoint
    去往农大动物医院方向 to Nongda animal hospital
    环岛 环形交通枢纽 roundabout
    市中心主要商业街图 Shopping Streets in Central Tianjin
    天津公交路线简明表 Tianjin Bus Routes
    超载 overloading
    货运列车 freight train
    追尾危险 保持车距 rear end collision Keep space
    追尾危险 保持车距 Don't follow too closely .
    延庆县 Yanqing County (十三陵)神路 sacred way
    前方山区 危险路段 小心驾驶 严禁超速
    Hilly terrain ahead drive carefully no speeding 平地 flat terrain 山区Hilly terrain 山脉 mountainous terrain
    Don't block or litter on the highway
    不开超员车 不坐超员车 No Overloading Do Not Take Overloaded Buses
    您所在位置 you are here
    西侧临时上下客区 West Pick-up/Drop-off Zone
    北京城区Central Beijing
    共创交通文明 共享安全和谐 Safe Traffic benefits everyone
    如遇电梯故障,请拨…… Dial Telephone Extensions(电话分机)to Report Any Escalator Problems
    车位 spaces
    转弯慢行 Bend ahead. Please slow down.
    温馨提示 tips 请您带好贵重物品 关好车窗车门 Please take valuables with you . Switch off engine and close all doors and windows.
    本通道泊位 free spaces
    前方道闸,减速慢性 Barrier ahead . Slow down.
    系统维修中Under Maintenance
    仅供紧急情况使用 Emergency Use Only

    1970-01-01   15赞       0踩       526浏览 评论(6)
女 中级配角lv27


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