• Helen_S     2016 Intel Isef

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Arrived in Phoenix, Arizona on Sunday afternoon☀️

    The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair is the largest Science and technology competition for teenagers all around the world, which is also the most significant.

    So these are the pics from yesterday night!!!!Got a Big Bang Album as present from a nice South Korean guy😜He was totally shy and cute😋

    We just exchanged a bunch of medals from all over the world. I bet I got them from more than 6 countries, but definitely over 5 states in US.

    I met an Italian girl, who's really interested in Chinese culture. She told me she loves China so much that she's been looking for Chinese friends all night. Well guys from NYC were also cool, I guess one of them just got the allowance to enter Harvard. [Saw his posts on ins]

    Expecting for meeting more friends and getting an award!

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