• 程C.     撩出洋人味12

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    Describe something you bought but have not used very much.
    You should say:
    What it is.
    When you bought it.
    Where you got it from.
    And explain why you have not used it very much.


    Actually, I've bought a lot of things that I found not useful. I think it’s important to learn the advantages and disadvantages of something that you’re planning to buy,especially something expensive.

    I recently bought a juicer. I always admired people who could drink fresh juice at home, so last month, I decided to buy one for my family. I learned that Jiuyang was a famous juicer brand in China, so I bought this brand. After I bought it, our family members were all very excited. We bought all kinds of fruit to make juice. We had fun for about a week. Soon, we realized that a juicer was good to use but difficult to wash. Every time, I have to use more than ten minutes to wash it after using it. Now, the once welcomed juicer just lies in a box because nobody enjoys taking time to wash it. I think the juicer is not as useful as I expected.

    Next time, when I want to buy a juicer, I think it’s necessary for me to find out if it’s difficult to wash. I hope I‘ll be able to be a wise shopper and only buy things that are very useful for me.

    1970-01-01   5赞       1踩       252浏览 评论(8)


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