• 程C.     撩出洋人味10

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from others.
    You should say:
    What the thing was
    When you borrowed it
    Whom you borrowed it from
    And explain why you borrowed the thing


    Well, borrowing things often happens in my life, sometimes I borrow things from my friends and sometimes I lend things to them. Anyway, it’s really ordinary to me.
    But I‘d like to talk about something I borrowed which was really unforgettable. I often borrowed a Barbie doll from my best friend Luck when I was a kid. We lived in the same neighborhood and both of us adored Barbie dolls. She owned several of them while I had none. It was because a barbie doll was very expensive and really scarce in our city. Anyway, she often shared them with me and lend me one of them when I went back my home.
    To tell you the truth, I loved Barbie doll quite much and I dreamed that one day I could have one. That’s why I borrowed it from Luck almost every day. And one day, my dream came true. It was my 11-year old birthday and guess what? Luck gave me a brand new one as my birthday gift. I was really surprised when I open the box. Can you imagine how happy I was? Anyway, the barbie still sit on my shelf and Luck and I are still best friends.

    1970-01-01   12赞       0踩       369浏览 评论(18)


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