• 程C.     撩出洋人味9

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    问题 Describe a useful APP on phones, computers or tablets you know.

    You should say:
    What the app is
    How long you have used it
    What it is used for
    And explain why you think it is useful


    Well, I’d like to introduce you a really amazing app named “Wuzhi”, you can write and sent a letter through this app to future you. I knew this app from my roommate who benefits a lot from it. She told me that it’s something that could change our lives. She used it for a while and to be honest, she changed a lot. She becomes very positive to life and always full of energy.

    Frankly speaking, I was a lazy girl, who didn’t set a goal, neither in life nor in study.I knew it was wrong but I just couldn’t get rid of it. It was not until she introduced this app to me that I stopped playing games gradually. I sent letters to myself when I was lingering under the covers and when I was surfing on the internet and buying those useless things. Honestly speaking, it works, I wanna thank the developers of this app coz they changed my life. Now I feel that my life is great and I really enjoy it.

    1970-01-01   10赞       0踩       373浏览 评论(13)


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