• 程C.     撩出洋人味5

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    1. Did you like reading books when you were little?

    It depends on what book it was. For example,if books contained many colorful pictures and funny words, like cartoon book, I was quite interested in them,because they were easy for me to understand what they were talking about. However, it was a trying experience for me if I read books with some deep concept or abstract theme.


    2. Where do you come from?

    Well I guess I could begin by saying I was born and brought up in Shenyang, a city that is located in Liaoning province. I would say it's a wealthy city since there are many high-rise buildings with the most modern architectural styles and many people drive expensive cars such as Ferrari.



    1970-01-01   29赞       2踩       756浏览 评论(37)


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