• 谁都饿就我不饿     雅思考题之一?Your Favourite Restaurant

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    It's somewhat difficult to understand we better have the ambition to study for the purpose of self-improvement rather than purely for those coming examinations.

    Anyways, wish you all good luck on your English tests guys🙆.


    Describe your favorite Restaurant.

    You should say
    where it is
    What it looks like inside and outside
    What kinds of food they serve
    What makes this restaurant so special to you and others?

    Thank you very much for giving me the chance to talk about my favorite restaurant. The name of my favorite restaurant is Queen Restaurant, and it’s situated at the center of the city I am currently living in. Not only I like the spacious, serene environment, tasty menus that the restaurant serves, but also I have lots of memories related to this restaurant. I remember that my parents celebrated some of my birthday parties there, our college friends arranged the get-together parties, one of my cousins’ marriage ceremony was celebrated there and similarly I attended lots of other parties at this very restaurant.

    The restaurant has 3 floors and the sitting arrangement is quite nice. Paintings of famous artists have been hanging on the walls and the place is quite neat and clean. The interior decoration is charming and gorgeous feeling. The ground floor is spacious and can accommodate more than 50 cars' parking. The front view of the restaurant is different as the place gives the impression of an urban garden.

    The restaurant offers several dishes including exotic desserts and also offers a separate place for the kids to play and have fun. The prices are reasonable and the food is served quickly as opposed to some other restaurants where you will have to wait for a long period of time for your food to be placed on your table. The waiters are friendly and welcoming. The restaurant offers Chinese, Italian, Indian, Thai and local menus that gives you a wide ranges and options to pick from. The soft background music makes the environment more enjoyable and soothing. The tables are not congested and people can chat over their personal topics without interruption. The long glasses made windows offer the city view, which makes the place worth visiting besides the delicious foods.

    The authority lets the customers provide their feedbacks and comments on foods and the place and as I have noticed they take prompt action on a customer complaint.

    In short, this is a really nice restaurant to go and enjoy the delicious meals.

    1970-01-01   12赞       0踩       268浏览 评论(7)


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