• 朴实的小学生     吉他弹唱cover - Jack Johneson -Angel

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》




    I've got an angel
    She doesn't wear any wings
    She wears a heart that can melt my own
    She wears a smile that can make me wanna sing
    She gives me presents
    With her presence alone
    She gives me everything I could wish for
    She gives me kisses on the lips just for coming home

    She could make angels
    I've seen it with my own eyes
    You gotta be careful when you've got good love
    Cause the angels will just keep on multiplying

    But you're so busy changing the world
    Just one smile can change all of mine
    We share the same soul
    Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh
    We Share the same soul
    Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh
    We Share the same soul
    Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh
    Oh oh oh oh oh ohhh
    Umm umm umm uhhhhhhmm

    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       56浏览 评论(4)
男 资深龙套lv16


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