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    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Middle-aged men are not "supposed" to cry during movies.
    But there has been a groudswell of admissions that Toy Story3 is having just such an effect,and that it might be part of a growing trend of more subtle emotion inducing on the silver screen.
    Hardy film critics in the US have admitted feeling weepy after watching the film and when it opens in the UK on Friday the same effect will be easily observed.
    The third film in the trilogy shows Andy,the owner of the toys,as a 17-year-old about to leave for university.He has to decide what to do with the toys.
    Critics have identified the themes of growing up,leaving home,and loyalty.Particularly powerful is the bittersweet idea—to a parent—of a child leaving home.And yet men,if they have felt weepy during these films,have often tried to be surreptitious about it."Because for many men,there is great deal of pressure of female emotions like sadness and fear.From a very young age,males are taught that it is inappropriate to cry,and these lessons are often accompanied by a great deal of ridicule when the lessons aren't followed."says Prof Mary Beth Oliver.

    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       158浏览 评论(2)


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