• 中南人CSU     你知道十二生肖和本命年怎么用英语说吗?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Do you know how to express the Chinese Zodiac in English? I think most people don't. Honestly, I have to say, without a dictionary I also can't do that.

    I was born in the Year of the Gragon (or)
    I was born under the Year of the Gragon

    有了生肖纪年的习俗,于是在我们就有了“本命年”的概念。在英语里,“本命年” 的地道说法是year of fate或者animal year,也可以看到把“本命年”翻译为birth year和big year的。
    This year is my year of fate。
    This year is my animal year。
    This year is my birth year。
    This year is my big year。

    Rat charm 子鼠
    Ox patient 丑牛
    Tiger sensitive 寅虎
    Rabbit articulate 卯兔
    Dragon healthy 辰龙
    Snake deep 巳蛇
    Horse popular 午马
    Goat elegant 未羊
    Monkey clever 申猴
    Rooster deep thinkers 酉鸡
    Dog loyalty 戌狗
    Pig chivalrous 亥猪

    》I hope what I've written above can help you and I'd appreciate it if you can point out if there is something wrong. Thank you for your reading!
    --Jeremy Wang
    from Central South University

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       73浏览 评论(0)
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