• chenyaqi     坚持学英语 Day 3 #Jane Eyre#

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    So I obeyed John's order and approached his armchair, thinking how very ugly his face was. Perhaps he understood what I was thinking, for he hit me hard on the face.

    "That for your rudeness to Mamma just now," he said ,"and for your wickedness in hiding, and for looking at me like that, you rat!" I was so used to his bullying that I never thought of hitting him back.

    "What were you doing behind that curtain?" he asked.

    "I was reading," I answered.

    “Show me the book.”I gave it to him.

    "You have no right to take our books," he continued. "You have no money and your father left you none. You ought to beg in the streets, not live here in confort with a gentleman's house, Anyway, all these books are mine, and so is the whole house, or will be in a few years' time. I'll teach you not to borrow my books again." He lifted the heavy book and threw it hard at me.




    less is more, slow is fast.


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