• 杰西ka爱英音     《始祖家族3》Learn English from TV plays---The Originals

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    The Originals S03E01, 以下内容纯属个人整理,如有错误欢迎指正。

    第一季里讲述的是Klaus,Hayley等始祖们和New Orleans中由Marcel率领的吸血鬼们争抢底盘,以及hope的出现。第二季里面记得是为了保护hope开展的一系列斗争,最后打败了母亲Ester姐姐的故事,最后还是把Klaus推向了无可挽回的境地,心疼Klaus。。。
    大K独白:In the beginning,we were so naive.Our mother had made us into beasts that fed on blood, but immortality was beyond our grasp,compulsion a trick we had yet to learn.All we knew was a fear of being hunted.

    1. 询问别人一件事件快处理完了没有—— Are you quiet done? quiet done 在这里就是快完成了没有。
    2. 大路,大道,主干道 ——major thoroughfare
    3. 冰雪交加——sleet and snow
    4. 分开—— split up (分手要说break up)
    5. 发誓—— swear a vow (今天情人节肯定有许多人要swear to you.0.0)
    6. 家人是最重要的 —— Family above all. (简捷有力)
    7. 你能不能听我说完? —— Can you hear me out?
    8. 女巫团—— covens 经查阅,原来coven专门指女巫团,A coven is a group of witches.
    9. 摄政者—— regent (a person who rules a country in place of the king or queen)原来摄政者指代替国王或元首统治国家的人,原谅我才知道。可是为什么女巫团头头要叫摄政者。。
    10. Nola pd —— New Orleans police department 新奥尔良警署的缩写
    11.精神病学家—— shrink (这个意思属于俚语,Camille说自己是shrink。)

    1. Our brothers remain at odds. 处于矛盾中at odds
    2. We are a house divided. 我们是一个支离破碎的家庭。
    3.Hope continues to flourish, flourish 这词在这当茁壮成长的意思,非常生动形象。
    4 We are in no position to ask for outside help. 我们无法寻求外援。 这里“无法”的表达方式也很好。
    5. I thought you might appreciate the change of venue.
    第二,venue,a place where people meet for an organized event,聚会地点(如音乐厅、体育比赛场馆、会场。)比place 的表达更确切具体。
    6.If you two must poke at one another, may I suggest doing it elsewhere?
    poke 有“戳,捅,刺”之意,所以不言而喻poke at one another 就是互相嘲讽,有时也可以加上fun,poke fun at....
    7.She is exquisite.她真是美呆了.
    Klaus说Aurora的美貌是exquisite. 首先看这个词,意思是something that is exquisite is extremely beautiful or pleasant, especially in a delicate way.这是一种精致的美,可远观不可触碰。下次夸人的时候可以用用。不过忍不住吐槽这个传说中一千年以前Klaus的旧情人Aurora的美貌,好像跟Caroline女王比起来,不是一个次元的。-。

    那么,最后,看看大K是怎么安慰他的sire line 中 Lucien 的
    K:I can assure you that all those who stood against me ended up either desiccated, dust or dinner. Anyone fearing death as a result of my demise should come see me.


    1970-01-01   8赞       1踩       299浏览 评论(4)
女 女二号lv39


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