• 西尔莎培根     OMG 外国广告脑洞开好大

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

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    The creative advertisement is a fastest way to communicate the message to the audience. If they are creative and clever enough so that they can attract audience quickly and successfully,which are useful advertisement. Here are some creative advertisement posters.😳😳


    Pilsner Urquell 比尔森啤酒

    Pilsner is a pale larger. The world's first-ever blond larger was the Pilsner Urquell,making it the inspiration for more than two-third of the beer produced in the world today.比尔森是一种淡啤酒。世界上首创的淡金色啤酒是比尔森啤酒,这为今天世界上超过3分之二的啤酒生产商提供了造酒灵感。

    Wake up with McCafe 麦咖啡 ✨✨美好的清晨怎么能少了咖啡来醒神呢,麦咖啡,喝了便炯炯有神McDonald's: fish bowl

    看到这个造型大家有没有想到是麦香鱼呢?filet-o-fish 麦香鱼🐳🐳🐠🐠

    让我们看看麦当劳其他汉堡英文名吧:Big Mac巨无霸 Double Cheese burger双层吉士汉堡 McChicken麦香鸡 Spicy Chicken Filet burger麦辣鸡腿堡

    OMO-奥妙(衣物洗涤品牌)👙👕👠👗👡👢👘 Bravery isn't learnt in front of the telly.(现实才能锻炼勇气)

    telly :电视机;电视节目WMF-德国百年高端餐具,餐厨品牌。

    Sharper than you think. The WMF Gourmet knife with Damasteel blade.

    gourmet:美食家 damasteel:不锈钢大马士革 blade:刀片 
    Volkswagen ceara motor:happy family

    New Fox.It has space much more happiness. Volkswagen: 大众(德国汽车品牌)🚃🚗🚄Fox:福克斯车型

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       564浏览 评论(6)
女 入行配角lv20


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