• 星空小桃子     ?alomost is never enough?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Ariana Grande的原唱,收录在《圣杯神器:骸骨之城》电影原声带中。不明白为什么排名不太靠前,不过她的嗓音有点太尖,不适合这种充满soul的曲子。献丑了,只唱了女生的部分,呼叫男神来合,欢迎大家指点!


    I like to say we gave it a try 我想说我们已经尝试过了
    I like to blame it all on life 我多么希望把这一切都归咎于生活
    Maybe we just weren’t right 也许我们真的不合适
    But that’s a lie, that’s a lie 但那是一个谎言,那是一个谎言
    And we can deny it as much as we want 我们可以否定到底 就如我们所愿那样
    But in time our feelings will show 但很快我们的真实感觉就会显露
    Cause sooner or later 迟早
    We'll wonder why we gave up 我们会问自己为什么要放弃
    The truth is everyone knows 而原因每个人都知道
    Almost, almost is never enough 差一点,差一点就是永远不够
    So close to being in love 几乎就要陷入爱河
    If I would have known that you wanted me 如果我知道你爱我
    The way I wanted you 就像我爱你一样
    Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart 那么也许我们就不会如分离在两个世界般遥远
    But right here in each others arms 而是偎依在彼此的怀里
    And we almost, we almost knew what love was我们差一点,差一点就知道爱情的真谛
    But almost is never enough 但差一点,就是永远不够
    If I could change the world overnight 假若我能在一夜之间改变世界
    There'd be no such thing as goodbye “再见”将不会再现
    You'll be standing right where you were 你依然会站在那里
    We'd get the chance we deserve 我们会紧紧抓住我们应得的机会

    1970-01-01   2赞       1踩       91浏览 评论(0)
女 中级龙套lv7


粉丝 4关注 18