• Wind_清荣     Life is about choices

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Each morning l wake up and say to myself,you have two choices today.You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be a bad mood.l choose to be a bad mood.
    Each time something bad happens,l can choose to be a victim or l can choose to learn from it.l choose to learn from it.
    Every time someone comes to me complaining,l can choose to accept their complaining or l can point out the positive sife of life.l choose point out the positive side of life.
    Life is all about choices.When you cut away all the junk,every situation is a choice.You choose how you react tosituations.You choose how people affect your mood.You choose to be a good mood or bad mood.The bottom line is:lt's your choice how you live your life.Make the right choice!

    1970-01-01   3赞       1踩       86浏览 评论(4)


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