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    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    第二张专辑:《Say I Am You》(1)

    专辑类型:Indie Folk/Pop
    专辑介绍:2005年12月,The Weepies在此厂牌录制完成全新专辑“Say I Am You”,并于2006年3月正式发行。《Say I Am You》是The Weepies的第二张专辑,也是让他们被主流音乐市场接受的专辑。专辑在2006年2月曾经在8个国家的“iTunes下载次数最多的Folk专辑榜”上攀升到首位,而单曲"World Spins Madly On"也在美国的iTunes Folk歌曲榜上获得了冠军。在The Weepies所发行的三张专辑,这张获得的媒体评价最好。在这张专辑中,The Weepies继续了他们在首张专辑《Happiness》的精彩表现,他们简短、感伤、旋律优美的Folk-pop在《Say I Am You》里继续,而美妙的歌声、轻轻拨动的琴弦也没有消失。这张专辑的名字"Say I Am You"引自一位13世纪作家Jelaluddin Rumi的作品,这位作家以创作带有强烈信仰、热情爱意的诗歌著称,所以这张专辑的主题毫无疑问就是爱情。有些时候,爱情会隐藏起来或者丢失(比如在"World Spins Madly On"里),有时爱情也会是虚假的,但是最终一定会有一种爱情被发现被呵护。在专辑的大部分时候,The Weepies都在主持着一种对“爱情”主题的讨论,他们并没有想要让这个主题成为那些甜蜜迷人曲调的配饰。(来自百度百科)

    第一首:Not Your Year


    Scattered shadows on a wall, you watch the long light fall
    Some impressions stay and some will fade
    Tattered shoes outside your door, clothes all on the floor
    Your life feels like the morning after all year long
    Every day it starts again
    You cannot say if you're happy
    You keep trying to be
    Try harder, maybe,maybe,this is not your year
    This is not your year
    Movies, TV screens reflect just what you expected
    There's a world of shiny people somewhere else
    Out there following their bliss
    Living easy, getting kissed
    While you wonder what else you're doing wrong
    Every day it starts again
    You cannot say if you're happy
    You keep trying to be
    Try harder, maybe,maybe,this is not your year
    This is not your year
    Breathe through it, write a list of desires
    Make a toast, make a wish, slash some tires
    Paint a heart repeating, beating "don't give up, don't give up, don't give up
    Scattered shadows on a wall, you watch the long light fall
    Some impressions stay and some will fade away
    Every day it starts again
    Someday you'll say you happy
    Keep trying to be
    Try harder, maybe,maybe,this is not your year
    This is not your year
    It's just not your year
    This is not your year
    This is not your year

    第二首:Painting By Chagall


    Thunder rumbles in the distance,a quiet intensity
    雷电在远处轰响 一个静谧的瞬间
    I am willful, your insistence is tugging at the best of me
    You're the moon, I'm the water
    你是月亮 我在水中
    You're Mars, calling up Neptune's daughter
    你是火星 呼唤着海王星的女儿Sometimes rain that's needed falls
    We float like two lovers in a painting by Chagall
    All around is sky and blue town
    Holding these flowers for a wedding gown
    We live so high above the ground, satellites surround us
    我们生活在高空 周围有卫星环绕
    I am humbled in this city
    There seems to be an endless sea of people like us
    那看上去有向我们一样的无尽的人海Wakeful dreamers,
    I pass them on the sunlit streets
    In our rooms filled with laughter
    We make hope from every small disaster
    Everybody says “you can't, you can't, you can't, don't try”
    人们说“你不能 你不能 你不能 别试了
    Still everybody says that
    if they had the chance they'd fly like we do




    1970-01-01   32赞       0踩       2139浏览 评论(16)
女 入行配角lv23


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