• C、mo竹     什么是契约精神(二)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    The winter of 1935,is the American economy the most depression for some time.One day in New York City,a poor live in court is hearing a case.


    The defendant is a nearly 60 years,were shabby,old lady sadly.she is more of a shame and sorrow.She was the bakery boss to court for stealing bread.Judge interogated a way:"the accused,why did you steal bread,because hungry?"


    "Yes."The old woman looked up at the judge,but I need more bread to feed my three lost parents' grandson,they haven't been eating for a few days.I can't see them starve to death,they are only children.


    The judge seriously:"silence,announced the decision below!"The judge turned to the old lady,"the accused,I must impartially enforce the law.You have two choices:finded $10 or 10 days detention?"


    The old woman face of pain and the expression of repentance.In the face of the judge,she said:"I am willing to accept the punishment of the judge.If I had ten dollar,I wouldn't have stolen the bread.I am willing to detention for ten days,but my three grandchildren who will take care of it?"


    Then sit in seat stand a forty years old man,he to the old woman bowed,"will you please accept ten dollars judgment."He turned to sit on the seats of other people,fished out ten dollars off his hat and placed it inside,said:"Ladies and gentlemen,I'm the incumbent mayor of the city of New York LaGuardia.Now please everybody per person to pay a fine of ten dollars,which is pay for our indifference to penalties we live in a to old grandmother stole a loaf of bread to feed the grandson of the city."


    Everyone in the courtroom was surprised.For a moment,all the spectators stood silent,and everyone took out fifty dollars in the mayor's hat,including the judge.


    Arguably,an old woman stole the bread is fine with the outsiders?LaGuardia said that for our indifference to pay.


    Good,and not just a cold and,treacherous and cruel,selfish a relative quality or a spirit of contract.

    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       40浏览 评论(0)
女 中级龙套lv11


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