• 忧意C     多义词解析“Crazy” 能“疯”出多少花来

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    “You wanna hear something crazy? 你想听一件不可思议的事么?

    这里的 “Crazy” 是英文中有名的“多义词”,今天咱们就一起来看看它都有哪些意思吧!

    ❤意思 1
    The first use of “crazy” from the show means something that is hard to believe.

    1) This might sound crazy, but you can use toothpaste to clean your leather shoes. 这听起来可能有点难以置信,但你可以用牙膏来清理皮鞋。

    2) A: Greg didn’t want you to join the team. Greg不想让你加入我们。
    B: That’s crazy. He’s my best friend. 这太难以置信了,他是我最好的朋友。

    ❤意思 2
    On a similar note “crazy” is used when someone’s actions or something is stupid, unreasonable, or impractical.

    1) Vin’s crazy for driving across the country for seeing a girl he just met. Vin开车横跨整个国家去见一个刚认识的女孩,这太傻了。

    2) A: The company’s gonna fire all the programmers and replace them with a program. 公司要把所有的程序员都辞掉,用一个程序代替他们的工作。
    B: Then the company’s crazy because that doesn’t make sense. 那这公司太蠢了,因为这压根儿说不通啊。

    ❤意思 3
    “Crazy” can also describe something out of the ordinary.

    1) Something crazy happened today. The boss and Mary were arguing in front of the whole office. 今天发生了一件很疯的事情,老板和Mary居然当着所有人的面吵了起来。

    2) I had a crazy commute this morning. I saw a rhino walking down the highway. 今早通勤太疯狂了,我看见一只犀牛在高速公路上溜达。

    ❤意思 4
    When someone/something is very busy “crazy” is also used.

    1) Next week’s crazy for me. I have meetings everyday and a deadline to meet. 下周我要忙疯了,我每天都要开会,还有一个截止日期要赶。

    2) The restaurant was crazy. There were people lining up outside. 这餐厅的生意太好了,外面好多人排队。

    ❤意思 5
    A person who is mentally insane or doesn’t function or think like everyone else can be called “crazy.”

    1) Hank’s kind of crazy. I’ve seen him hit a guy with a chair for no reason. Hank有点疯,我见过他无缘无故用椅子打人。

    2) Do you know how crazy Lily is? She washes her hands every time she touches something. 你知道Lily有多不正常么?她一碰东西就得洗手。

    ❤意思 6
    “Crazy” can also be used in a good way to describe someone. For example, someone who likes to have a lot of fun, acts wild or does things unconventionally can always be called crazy.

    1) Margaret’s a crazy girl who knows how to have a good time. Margaret是个很野的姑娘,她特别会玩儿。

    2) My boss’s management style maybe crazy, but it sure does motivate everyone. 我老板的管理风格是有点与众不同,但真的很能激励大家。

    ❤意思 7
    It can mean something is awesome, cool, or good because it’s different.

    1) A: Check out my new phone. It has a built-in projector. 看看我的新手机,它有个内置的投影仪。
    B: Whoa that’s crazy. 哇,这太酷啦。

    2) The new Star Wars movie is crazy. You got to see it. 新的这部《星球大战》太棒了,你必须得看看。

    ❤意思 8
    “drive me crazy”是“把某人逼疯”的意思
    To express anger or annoyance, you can use the phrase “drive me crazy.”

    1) Can you please stop clicking your pen? It’s driving me crazy. 你能别按你那个笔了么?快把我逼疯了。

    2) Your nagging is probably driving your boyfriend crazy. 你的唠叨估计快把你男朋友逼疯了。

    ❤意思 9
    短语“go crazy”可以用来形容人的情绪,可以是无聊,气馁,没耐性了。同时也可以形容很兴奋。
    The phrase “go crazy” also describes other emotions. People who go crazy might be bored, frustrated, or impatient. Conversely it also describes people who are very excited.

    1) I’m going crazy. I’ve been waiting for the past hour with nothing to do. 我要疯了,我都无所事事的等了一个小时了。

    2) As soon as Katy Perry came on stage, the crowd went crazy. Katy Perry一上台,观众就兴奋了起来!

    ❤意思 10
    “crazy about” / “crazy for” 表示对某事很感兴趣,很喜欢
    If you’re “crazy about” or “crazy for” someone/something, it means that you really like them or you’re really interested in them.

    1) Can’t you tell? She’s crazy about you. You should ask her out. 你看不出来么?她很喜欢你,你应该约她出来。

    2) I’m not crazy for sweets so I don’t usually get dessert. 我不喜欢吃甜的,所以我一般不吃甜点。

    1970-01-01   16赞       0踩       1144浏览 评论(9)
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