• 张看     「民谣」The Weepies(1)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    简要介绍:The Weepies,一支由Deb Talan和Steve Tannen组成的流行民谣二重奏。两人初次相遇是在Tannen的波士顿音乐会上。在此之前,两人都已各自发表过自己的作品(Deb Talano发行过3张,Steve Tannen发行过2张)。二人相互钦佩,很快就一起开始了创作歌曲,并且Weepies很快诞生了。2004年,他们独立发布了8只歌的EP“Happiness”,并且在二年后签约Nettwerk厂牌。(来自百度百科)


    其中,我最喜欢的是somebody loved。旋律很简单,歌词却值得细细品味。


    Rain turns the sand into mud
    Wind turns the trees into bone
    Stars turning high up above
    You turn me into somebody loved
    Nights when the heat had gone out
    We danced together alone
    Cold turned our breath into clouds
    We never said what we were dreaming of
    But you turned me into somebody loved
    Someday when we're old and worn
    Like two softened shoes
    I will wonder on how I was born
    The night I first ran away from you
    Now my feet turn the corner back home
    Sun turns the evening to rose
    Stars turning high up above
    You turn me into
    You turn me into
    You turn me into somebody loved
    somebody loved
    somebody loved

    the weepies是我最喜欢的乐队,最开始知道他们也是因为那首gotta have you。他们的歌曲美丽而不张扬,或欢快,或沉郁,或随性……无论哪一种,都让人感觉很舒服。


    1970-01-01   15赞       2踩       2228浏览 评论(3)
女 入行配角lv23


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